23 March 2012 Ion beam deposition system for depositing low defect density extreme ultraviolet mask blanks
V. Jindal, P. Kearney, J. Sohn, J. Harris-Jones, A. John, M. Godwin, A. Antohe, R. Teki, A. Ma, F. Goodwin, A. Weaver, P. Teora
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Extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) is the leading next-generation lithography (NGL) technology to succeed optical lithography at the 22 nm node and beyond. EUVL requires a low defect density reflective mask blank, which is considered to be one of the top two critical technology gaps for commercialization of the technology. At the SEMATECH Mask Blank Development Center (MBDC), research on defect reduction in EUV mask blanks is being pursued using the Veeco Nexus deposition tool. The defect performance of this tool is one of the factors limiting the availability of defect-free EUVL mask blanks. SEMATECH identified the key components in the ion beam deposition system that is currently impeding the reduction of defect density and the yield of EUV mask blanks. SEMATECH's current research is focused on in-house tool components to reduce their contributions to mask blank defects. SEMATECH is also working closely with the supplier to incorporate this learning into a next-generation deposition tool. This paper will describe requirements for the next-generation tool that are essential to realize low defect density EUV mask blanks. The goal of our work is to enable model-based predictions of defect performance and defect improvement for targeted process improvement and component learning to feed into the new deposition tool design. This paper will also highlight the defect reduction resulting from process improvements and the restrictions inherent in the current tool geometry and components that are an impediment to meeting HVM quality EUV mask blanks will be outlined.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
V. Jindal, P. Kearney, J. Sohn, J. Harris-Jones, A. John, M. Godwin, A. Antohe, R. Teki, A. Ma, F. Goodwin, A. Weaver, and P. Teora "Ion beam deposition system for depositing low defect density extreme ultraviolet mask blanks", Proc. SPIE 8322, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography III, 83221W (23 March 2012); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Extreme ultraviolet



Extreme ultraviolet lithography

Ion beams




EUVL mask blank repair
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