19 February 2013 A GPU based implementation of direct multi-bit search (DMS) screen algorithm
Barry Trager, Kartheek Chandu, Chai Wah Wu, Mikel Stanich
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Proceedings Volume 8655, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XI; 86550Z (2013)
Event: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2013, Burlingame, California, United States
In this paper, we study the feasibility for using programmable Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) technology for image halftoning, in particular implementing the computationally intense Direct Multi-bit Search (DMS) Screen algorithm. Multi-bit screening is an extension of binary screening, in which every pixel in continuoustone image can be rendered to one among multiple output states. For example, a 2 bit printer is capable of printing with four different drop sizes. In our previous work, we have extended the Direct Binary Search (DBS) to the multi-bit case using Direct Multi-bit Search (DMS) where at every pixel the algorithm chooses the best drop output state to create a visually pleasing halftone pattern without any user defined guidance. This process is repeated throughout the entire range of gray levels while satisfying the stacking constraint to create a high quality multi-bit screen (dither mask). In this paper, we illustrate how employing Graphics Processing Units (GPU) can speed-up intensive DMS image processing operations. Particularly, we illustrate how different modules can be been parallelized. The main goal of many of the previous articles regarding DBS is to decrease the execution time of the algorithm. One of the most common approaches is to decrease the neighborhood size or filter size. The proposed parallel approach allows us to use a large neighborhood and filter size, to achieve the highest halftone quality, while having minimal impact on performance. In addition, we also demonstrate processing several non-overlapping neighborhoods in parallel, by utilizing the GPU's parallel architecture, to further improve the computational efficiency.
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Barry Trager, Kartheek Chandu, Chai Wah Wu, and Mikel Stanich "A GPU based implementation of direct multi-bit search (DMS) screen algorithm", Proc. SPIE 8655, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XI, 86550Z (19 February 2013); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Binary data

Computer architecture

Image processing

Graphics processing units


Color halftoning by indexing the visual-optimized dot profiles
Proceedings of SPIE (September 07 1998)
Watermarking of dither halftoned images
Proceedings of SPIE (April 09 1999)
New methods for digital halftoning and inverse halftoning
Proceedings of SPIE (December 28 2001)
Multiresolution binary image embedding
Proceedings of SPIE (June 20 2003)
High capacity image barcodes using color separability
Proceedings of SPIE (January 25 2011)

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