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Human lip-readers are increasingly being presented as useful in the gathering of forensic evidence but, like all humans, suffer from unreliability. Here we report the results of a long-term study in automatic lip-reading with the objective of converting video-to-text (V2T). The V2T problem is surprising in that some aspects that look tricky, such as real-time tracking of the lips on poor-quality interlaced video from hand-held cameras, but prove to be relatively tractable. Whereas the problem of speaker independent lip-reading is very demanding due to unpredictable variations between people. Here we review the problem of automatic lip-reading for crime fighting and identify the critical parts of the problem.
Richard Bowden,Stephen Cox,Richard Harvey,Yuxuan Lan,Eng-Jon Ong,Gari Owen, andBarry-John Theobald
"Recent developments in automated lip-reading", Proc. SPIE 8901, Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting and Defence IX; and Optical Materials and Biomaterials in Security and Defence Systems Technology X, 89010J (16 October 2013);
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Richard Bowden, Stephen Cox, Richard Harvey, Yuxuan Lan, Eng-Jon Ong, Gari Owen, Barry-John Theobald, "Recent developments in automated lip-reading," Proc. SPIE 8901, Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting and Defence IX; and Optical Materials and Biomaterials in Security and Defence Systems Technology X, 89010J (16 October 2013);