7 March 2014 Proteins detection by polymer optical fibers sensitised with overlayers of block and random copolymers
Alexandros El Sachat, Anastasia Meristoudi, Christos Markos, Stergios Pispas, Christos Riziotis
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A low cost and low complexity optical detection method of proteins is presented by employing a detection scheme based on electrostatic interactions, and implemented by sensitization of a polymer optical fibers' (POF) surface by thin overlayers of properly designed sensitive copolymer materials with predesigned charges. This method enables the fast detection of proteins having opposite charge to the overlayer, and also the effective discrimination of differently charged proteins like lysozyme (LYS) and bovine serum albumin (BSA). As sensitive materials the block and the random copolymers of the same monomers were employed, namely the block copolymer poly(styrene-b-2vinylpyridine) (PS-b- P2VP) and the corresponding random copolymer poly(styrene-r-2vinylpyridine) (PS-r-P2VP), of similar composition and molecular weights. Results show systematically different response between the block and the random copolymers, although of the same order of magnitude, drawing thus important conclusions on their applications' techno-economic aspects given that they have significantly different associated manufacturing method and costs. The use of the POF platform, in combination with those adaptable copolymer sensing materials could lead to efficient low cost bio-detection schemes.
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Alexandros El Sachat, Anastasia Meristoudi, Christos Markos, Stergios Pispas, and Christos Riziotis "Proteins detection by polymer optical fibers sensitised with overlayers of block and random copolymers", Proc. SPIE 8983, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XVI, 89830I (7 March 2014);
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