1 May 2014 X-ray imaging sensor arrays on foil using solution processed organic photodiodes and organic transistors
Abhishek Kumar, Date Moet, Jan-Laurens van der Steen, Ashutosh Tripathi, Francisco Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joris Maas, Matthias Simon, Walter Reutten, Alexander Douglas, Rob Raaijmakers, Pawel E. Malinowski, Kris Myny, Umar Shafique, Ronn Andriessen, Paul Heremans, Gerwin Gelinck
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We demonstrate organic imaging sensor arrays fabricated on flexible plastic foil with the solution processing route for both photodiodes and thin film transistors. We used the photovoltaic P3HT:PCBM blend for fabricating the photodiodes using spin coating and pentacene as semiconductor material for the TFTs. Photodiodes fabricated with P3HT:PCBM absorb in the green part of the visible spectrum which matches with the typical scintillator output wavelength. The arrays consist of 32x32 pixels with variation in pixel resolution of 200μmx200μm, 300μmx300μm and of 1mmx1mm. The accurate reproducibility of shadow images of the objects demonstrates the potential of these arrays for imaging purposes. We also demonstrate that the crosstalk is relatively insignificant despite the fact that the active photodiode forms a continuous layer in the array. Since both photodiodes and TFTs are made of organic material, they are processed at low temperatures below 150°C on foil which means that these imaging sensors can be flexible, light weight and low cost when compared to conventional amorphous silicon based imaging sensors on rigid substrates. In combination with a scintillator on top of the arrays, we show the potential of these arrays for the X-ray imaging applications.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Abhishek Kumar, Date Moet, Jan-Laurens van der Steen, Ashutosh Tripathi, Francisco Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joris Maas, Matthias Simon, Walter Reutten, Alexander Douglas, Rob Raaijmakers, Pawel E. Malinowski, Kris Myny, Umar Shafique, Ronn Andriessen, Paul Heremans, and Gerwin Gelinck "X-ray imaging sensor arrays on foil using solution processed organic photodiodes and organic transistors", Proc. SPIE 9137, Organic Photonics VI, 91370Q (1 May 2014); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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X-ray imaging


Imaging arrays


Optical sensors



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