4 September 2014 Irregular large-scale computed tomography on multiple graphics processors improves energy-efficiency metrics for industrial applications
Edward S. Jimenez Jr., Eric L. Goodman, Ryeojin Park, Laurel J. Orr, Kyle R. Thompson
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This paper will investigate energy-efficiency for various real-world industrial computed-tomography reconstruction algorithms, both CPU- and GPU-based implementations. This work shows that the energy required for a given reconstruction is based on performance and problem size. There are many ways to describe performance and energy efficiency, thus this work will investigate multiple metrics including performance-per-watt, energy-delay product, and energy consumption. This work found that irregular GPU-based approaches1 realized tremendous savings in energy consumption when compared to CPU implementations while also significantly improving the performance-per- watt and energy-delay product metrics. Additional energy savings and other metric improvement was realized on the GPU-based reconstructions by improving storage I/O by implementing a parallel MIMD-like modularization of the compute and I/O tasks.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Edward S. Jimenez Jr., Eric L. Goodman, Ryeojin Park, Laurel J. Orr, and Kyle R. Thompson "Irregular large-scale computed tomography on multiple graphics processors improves energy-efficiency metrics for industrial applications", Proc. SPIE 9215, Radiation Detectors: Systems and Applications XV, 921509 (4 September 2014); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Reconstruction algorithms

Energy efficiency


Image processing

Computed tomography


X-ray imaging


Localized and efficient cardiac CT reconstruction
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Six-Second CT Imaging
Proceedings of SPIE (December 23 1976)
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