8 October 2014 Effective corner rounding correction in the data preparation for electron beam lithography
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A new correction technique has been developed not only to reduce the corner rounding, but also to restrain the building up of shot counts that is able to increase the exposure time in electron beam (e-beam) lithography. It is able to prove the developed corner rounding correction technique is useful with high accuracies throughout the simulation of several different types of correction in the data preparation software, Inscale® from Aselta Nanographics, and its comparisons with exposure images. The developed one is helpful to suppress the accumulation of shot counts either. Furthermore, it shows the general limit of corner rounding correction in a conventional variable shaped beam exposure tool with current resist process. Firstly, we are demonstrating the new method for correcting the corner rounding that either can avoid the extension of exposure shot counts, called writing time. Secondly, this study reveals the current bounds of corner rounding correction, especially the lithography employing the shaped beam tool. Finally, we propose the criteria of data preparation for the corner rounding in e-beam lithography, specifically upcoming 18nm technology node and practical applications.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kang-Hoon Choi, Clyde Browning, Thiago Figueiro, Christoph Hohle, Michael Kaiser, and Patrick Schiavone "Effective corner rounding correction in the data preparation for electron beam lithography", Proc. SPIE 9235, Photomask Technology 2014, 92350U (8 October 2014);
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Electron beam lithography


Data corrections

Beam shaping



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