8 October 2014 Resist charging effect correction function qualification for photomasks production
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We quantitatively evaluate Nuflare’s latest resist charging effect correction (CEC) model for advanced photomask production using e-beam lithography. Functionality of this CEC model includes the simulation of static and timedependent charging effects together with an improved calibration method. CEC model calibration is performed by polynomial fitting of image placement distortions induced by various beam scattering effects on a special test design with writing density variations. CEC model parameters can be fine tuned for different photomask blank materials facilitating resist charging compensation maps for different product layers. Application of this CEC model into production yields a significant reduction in photomask image placement (IP), as well as improving photomask overlay between critical neighbouring layers. The correlations between IP improvement facilitated by this CEC model and single mask parameters are presented and discussed. The layer design specifics, resist and blank materials, coupled with their required exposure parameters are observed to be the major influences on CEC model performance.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Vadim Sidorkin, Michael Finken, Timo Wandel, Noriaki Nakayamada, and G. R. Cantrell "Resist charging effect correction function qualification for photomasks production", Proc. SPIE 9235, Photomask Technology 2014, 92350Z (8 October 2014); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Electron beam lithography

Overlay metrology

Performance modeling


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