17 March 2015 What makes 'big data' different from 'regular data' within radiology? The easiest answer: when it no longer fits into Excel!
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One of the challenges of today’s healthcare is that data from radiology is heterogeneous, stored and managed in silos created by PACS vendors. Also seen is a lack of coordinated use of harmonized reference information models and established healthcare standards.

Radiology in Region Västra Götaland has been entering the world of “Big Data” since 2006, 34 departments split into 4 private image center, 2 small-size hospital, 4 middle-sized hospital groups and one University hospital. Using the same information infrastructure as a means of collaborating and sharing information between. As an organization building for the future we must meet the values and requirements of the stakeholders and count the patient as the major actor.

Can ”Big Data” analytics be a valuable asset from a regional management perspective?

Our initial findings indicates that this is the case, based on three different perspectives – work practice changes, understanding data quality when sharing information and introducing new services in work practice. Going from local to enterprise workflow utilizing the power of “Big Data”, not only by volume but also by combining diverse sources and aggregate the information domains, visualize new trends as well as dependencies more effectively. Building trust by the use of Big Data in healthcare involves a long and winding journey, but the persevering infrastructure-oriented organization will give new ways of collaboration for the enterprise it serves. It also involves continuous negotiation with people concerning how and why they should collaborate with new actors within the region to achieve patient centric care. This will nurture a more open-minded, hopeful and life-affirming holistic approach involving all stakeholders, newcomers’ specialists and patients.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
L. Lindsköld, G. Alvfeldt, and M. Wintell "What makes 'big data' different from 'regular data' within radiology? The easiest answer: when it no longer fits into Excel!", Proc. SPIE 9418, Medical Imaging 2015: PACS and Imaging Informatics: Next Generation and Innovations, 941805 (17 March 2015); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Image storage

Picture Archiving and Communication System

Magnetic resonance imaging


Data analysis

Data modeling


A digital library for medical imaging activities
Proceedings of SPIE (March 30 2007)
Home teleradiology system
Proceedings of SPIE (May 22 1997)
Evaluation of PACS in a multihospital environment
Proceedings of SPIE (July 13 1998)
Investment alternative: the status quo or PACS?
Proceedings of SPIE (August 01 1990)

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