13 November 2024 Study of a positive and negative tone organometal chemically amplified resist for high resolution EUV single patterning
Satoshi Enomoto, Kohei Machida, Shunya Honda, Akihiro Konda, Takahiro Kozawa
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EUV lithography has been realized to use the mass production. Therefore, the greatest interest of the EUV lithography is sub 10nm resolution patterning capability using high NA optics system. Currently, some of the new resist platform have been investigated and metal oxide resist and dry film resist were particularly achieved good patterning performance and etching durability as negative type resist by using metal component in the systems. Previously, we proposed a novel positive tone organometal chemically amplified resist by making dissolution contrast though chain scission and polarity change to develop for nonpolar solvent. After some modification of the resist material, we demonstrate positive and negative tone pattering by using 125keV EB drawing system with alkyl acetates as developers. We will share some of the progress to improve sensitivity and resolution of positive and negative tone organometallic resist in the conference.
Conference Presentation
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Satoshi Enomoto, Kohei Machida, Shunya Honda, Akihiro Konda, and Takahiro Kozawa "Study of a positive and negative tone organometal chemically amplified resist for high resolution EUV single patterning", Proc. SPIE PC13215, International Conference on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography 2024, PC1321508 (13 November 2024);
Extreme ultraviolet

Chemically amplified resists

Optical lithography



Line width roughness

Metal oxides

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