13 November 2024 EUV mask defect mitigation strategy at Samsung Foundry
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EUV Lithography has made tremendous improvement over the last decade, but one of the remaining challenges is the mask defectivity. The current membrane-based EUV pellicle scheme can prevent the yield loss due to mask defectivity, but it comes with a high price tag including low throughput and availability loss when it ruptures in the scanner. On-time delivery of the final products by ensuring high yield is Samsung Foundry's number one priority, and Samsung Foundry has strengthened mask defect detection schemes and metrology to prevent and overcome the mask defectivity issue in the EUV scanners. However, as advanced nodes are rapidly ramping up and the types of defects becomes more diverse, there are limitations in detecting 'very small' defects with the existing techniques. Especially, one tiny defect can lead to a detrimental yield loss for large dies and one-shot-one-die products. In this paper, we will discuss various schemes including the most advanced EUV pellicle technology to mitigate and fundamentally solve the EUV mask defectivity issue and how we will deliver the highest quality and highest yield products to the end customers for the advance node products.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jongkil Choi, Suyeon Chae, Hyunjin Kim, Jinhyuk Kim, Dongsik Jung, and Sang H. Lee "EUV mask defect mitigation strategy at Samsung Foundry", Proc. SPIE PC13215, International Conference on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography 2024, PC132150E (13 November 2024);
Extreme ultraviolet

Extreme ultraviolet lithography

Defect detection




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