The resolution performance of EUV resist is usuary evaluated by line-space patterning using EB lithography because EUV lithography system is very expensive. However, since the exposure condition of resist is different between EB and EUV, it is also necessary to on pattern the resist using the actual EUV exposure tool. Hence, our group has been constructed EUV Interference Lithography (EUV-IL) tool by two-window-transmission grating at the BL09B beamline at NewSUBARU synchrotron light facility. In addition, beyond EUV (BEUV) with wavelength 6.7nm lithography is expected as next generation of lithography for further miniaturization. In BL09B, the incident wavelength is also covered BEUV for BEUV resist development. The exposure time depends on diffraction efficiency of the diffraction grating. The diffraction efficiency also depends on the grating pattern quality (thickness, ratio, pattern shape), support membrane (thickness, materials), and exposure wavelength (EUV, BEUV). In this study, we report the measurement of diffraction efficiencies of various patterns in EUV and BEUV, and the investigation of compensation for exposure.