Open Access
1 November 2011 Quantitative characterization of articular cartilage using Mueller matrix imaging and multiphoton microscopy
Pal G. Ellingsen, Magnus B. Lilledahl, Lars Martin S. Aas, Catharina de Lange Davies, Morten Kildemo
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The collagen meshwork in articular cartilage of chicken knee is characterized using Mueller matrix imaging and multiphoton microscopy. Direction and degree of dispersion of the collagen fibers in the superficial layer are found using a Fourier transform image-analysis technique of the second-harmonic generated image. Mueller matrix images are used to acquire structural data from the intermediate layer of articular cartilage where the collagen fibers are too small to be resolved by optical microscopy, providing a powerful multimodal measurement technique. Furthermore, we show that Mueller matrix imaging provides more information about the tissue compared to standard polarization microscopy. The combination of these techniques can find use in improved diagnosis of diseases in articular cartilage, improved histopathology, and additional information for accurate biomechanical modeling of cartilage.
© 2011 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 1083-3668/2011/16(11)/116002/6/$25.00
Pal G. Ellingsen, Magnus B. Lilledahl, Lars Martin S. Aas, Catharina de Lange Davies, and Morten Kildemo "Quantitative characterization of articular cartilage using Mueller matrix imaging and multiphoton microscopy," Journal of Biomedical Optics 16(11), 116002 (1 November 2011).
Published: 1 November 2011 Logo
Cited by 35 scholarly publications.
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Optical fibers

Brain-machine interfaces

Multiphoton microscopy


Second-harmonic generation

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