We review the design and demonstration of distributed Bragg reflector (DBR)-based resonance filters developed at CoE-CPPICS, IIT Madras, with the in-house complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)-compatible silicon photonics technology platform. The proposed devices include two types of band-pass filter design approaches, i.e., the higher-order DBR coupled cavity filter and apodized DBR cavity filter with ultra-broad stopband for guided Fabry–Pérot resonance in a silicon-on-insulator rib waveguide structure. The device design parameters are optimized through semi-analytical simulation methods for a low insertion loss singly resonant transmission peak at a desired wavelength. Fourth- and fifth-order passive resonant filters are designed and demonstrated with nearly lossless, flat-top response (ripple |
1.IntroductionOn-chip photonic band-pass filters are a group of vital components for various silicon photonic applications such as microwave signal processing,1 integrated quantum photonic circuits,2 and wavelength division multiplexing.3 Distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) are one of the fundamental building blocks of photonic integrated circuits and are extensively used as band-pass filters to obtain various functionalities such as sensing,4,5 wavelength add-drop multiplexing,6 modulation,7 microwave photonic filtering,8 and optical signal processing.9 The periodic refractive index modulation of the waveguide structure required for forming a DBR can be achieved by creating periodic perturbation at the sidewall10 as well as the top surface11 of the waveguide, in the slab12 and cladding.13 An 11th-order diffraction coefficient–based DBR has also been demonstrated with corrugation of the top surface as well as the slab, which can enhance the reflectivity14 exhibiting a 3-dB bandwidth of with peak reflectivity of . Although most of the early DBR designs were based on the interaction of forward propagating fundamental waveguide mode with the backward propagating fundamental mode, a multimode waveguide–based DBR design demonstrated the interaction between fundamental–fundamental and fundamental–first-order modes, which can yield dual stopbands in the transmission spectrum (3-dB bandwidths ) while the reflection spectrum only contains one wavelength band.15 This unique nature of the multimode DBR can be very crucial in applications such as pump rejection filters of the photon pair generation circuits to eliminate any unwarranted reflection to the photon pair source as shown by Goswami et al. with reported extinction .16 Using highly reflective DBR mirrors, Fabry–Pérot resonators can be designed as band-pass filters with the desired shape, roll-off, bandwidth, -factor, and extinction ratio. Most of the mainstream applications mentioned above can be realized with only one resonance passband, and a large FSR can be highly desirable to avoid any cross-talk among multiple channels. Devices conventionally used as band-pass filters such as micro ring resonators or Mach Zehnder interferometer (MZI)-based lattice structures result in multiple wavelength bands as a nature of their principle of operation. Although, theoretically, a micro ring resonator or a micro disk resonator can be designed to yield a large free spectral range (FSR), it has been shown that bend-induced losses start to dominate the device response as the bend radius shrinks below .17 On the other hand, a DBR or a single defect-based photonic crystal cavity resonator can be designed to oscillate in a single longitudinal mode within the desired wavelength band. Although photonic crystal cavity structures are not easy to integrate into conventional waveguide-based large-scale photonic integrated circuits due to their fabrication process–induced tolerances, a Fabry–Pérot cavity with suitably designed DBRs is relatively easier to integrate and can have a low footprint with carefully designed considerations. Although filters employing coupled ring resonators (CRRs) have been reported with narrow bandwidth, high rejection ratio, and excellent shape factor,18 the coupling sections need to be controlled precisely, and the thermal sensitivity of the ring resonators demands an active tuning system in place, which increases the overall system complexity and power consumption. Analogous to the CRRs or the MZI lattice filters, band-pass filters with rectangular box-like passband and sharp roll-off can be designed by cascading multiple stages of the DBR Fabry–Pérot cavity, which has been shown to be quite useful from the perspective of microwave photonic filters.19 A similar concept can also be found widely explored, modeled, and demonstrated as surface acoustic wave filters.20 These higher-order cavity filters can be designed to operate within a wide stopband around the Bragg wavelength, thus fulfilling the condition of large FSR, and are promising in terms of simpler design. However, passive characteristics of these higher-order band-pass filters can exhibit higher insertion loss due to the phase mismatch among coupled cavities,21 which was mitigated by integrating microheaters to align the round-trip phases of individual cavities. To minimize the fabrication-induced phase errors without any active phase tuning, an all-passive fourth-order filter using multimode strip waveguides was demonstrated where the passive filter characteristics reported a quasi-rectangular passband with a passband insertion loss of .22 In this work, we have reviewed both the design approaches toward a photonic bandpass filter using higher-order DBR coupled cavity23 designed to operate in L band as well as apodized DBR cavity filter24 enabled to cover the entire C-band of operation, fabricated with the in-house 220 nm silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology platform at CNNP, IIT Madras, and characterized at CoE-CPPICS, IIT Madras. In Sec. 2, the higher-order filter design has demonstrated a very low insertion loss in the filter passband without any active tuning with the use of rib waveguide–based Bragg grating. The impact of grating length variation on the coupled cavity response has also been explored. The experimental results exhibit a quasi-rectangular, flat-top, and lossless passband without any active tuning. We also review the design aspect of an apodized DBR cavity with an ultra-broad stopband and its experimental demonstration in Sec. 3. Finally, a brief summary along with some critical discussions are given in Sec. 4. 2.Higher-Order DBR Resonance FilterTo demonstrate lossless flat-top bandpass filters, fourth- and fifth-order DBR resonant filter design was attempted in the SOI platform. The top-view schematic of a fifth-order filter is shown in Fig. 1(a). The number of grating stages determines the order of the filter where the grating stages are connected by the cavities. The figure-of-merit for this type of filter has been defined as the shape factor , which gives a measure of the filter roll-off or, in other words, the rectangular shape of the passband. The value of the shape factor lies between 0 and 1 with 1 being the ideal value for a box-like rectangular filter shape. Kaushal et al.22 discussed the impact of the ratio of the number of gratings in the middle stages to that in the start/end stages on the shape factor; a ratio of 2 enables critical coupling, and a ratio of signifies under-coupling. The critically coupled gratings produce a semi flat-top filter shape, whereas the under-coupled state produces a shape that is relatively more rectangular in nature but with in-band ripples. We have tried to optimize the number of gratings to achieve a balance of both the coupling states by combining different ratios of gratings to potentially obtain a rectangular flat-top passband with minimal insertion loss and low in-band ripples. 2.1.Device DesignThe design parameters were optimized with a SOI device layer thickness (H) of 220 nm and box layer thickness of [see Fig. 1(b)]. An unperturbed waveguide width () of 400 nm and a slab height () of 160 nm were chosen with a sidewall corrugation () of 80 nm at both sides of the waveguide to operate within the single mode regime supporting only a transverse electric (TE)-like guided mode. The waveguide width of 400 nm is chosen to ensure tighter mode confinement and enhanced evanescent field, which can lead to a higher coupling coefficient as compared with a typical waveguide width of 500 nm or similar. A grating period () of 296 nm was considered to obtain the filter passband centered around as per Bragg condition. As we know from the theory of DBR, the number of gratings (N) is an important design aspect of the filter, which greatly influences the resonance bandwidth as well as the rejection bandwidth, extinction ratio, and shape factor. In the n’th-order filter, the N of different grating stages (denoted as ) can be varied to obtain the desired figures of merit as listed previously. The cavity length decides the number of longitudinal modes as per the standard Fabry–Pérot resonator concept. It has been fixed at to obtain a single coupled-cavity resonance, which can be used as a flat-top rectangular bandpass filter. The transmission spectrum corresponding to the filters has been simulated using the transfer matrix method, as discussed by Chrostowski and Hochberg25 The simulation method uses the Fresnel equations to calculate the grating coupling coefficient using plane-wave approximations. Then, the coupling coefficient is further used to calculate the reflection/transmission coefficient matrix for each period of the grating. The propagation coefficient matrix is also calculated using the waveguide loss and the phase constant. Therefore, the overall transmission/reflection of the entire grating structure is the accumulation of the individual grating transmission/reflection and calculated by the matrix multiplication of individual gratings. In simulations, the waveguide propagation loss has been considered 5 dB/cm (typical value as per our in-house fabrication facility). Figures 2(a) and 2(c) show the simulated transmission spectrum of a fourth- and fifth-order DBR resonant filter, respectively. The number of gratings used for the beginning and end grating stages is kept fixed at and for the fourth- and fifth-order resonance filters, respectively. The central grating stages ( for the fourth order and for the fifth order) consist of , which is twice that of , whereas the rest of the grating stages have number of gratings. As the overall device length for the fifth-order filter is higher at as compared with that of the fourth-order filter (), the extinction ratio of the stopband is also higher at for the former and for the latter case, in accordance with the theory. Figure 2(b) shows a zoomed transmission of the passband of the fourth-order filter with a 3-dB bandwidth of 0.79 nm and 10-dB bandwidth of 0.9 nm, resulting in a shape factor of 0.87. Similarly, the zoomed transmission of the passband of the fifth-order filter in Fig. 2(d) shows a 3-dB bandwidth of 0.59 nm and a 10-dB bandwidth of 0.65 nm, which gives a shape factor of 0.91. We observe the shape factor of the fifth-order filter design to be higher along with fewer in-band ripples as compared with the fourth-order design. The insertion loss in the passband was found to be 0.62 and 1.6 dB for the fourth- and fifth-order filter, respectively, which implies that the passband extinction is almost equivalent to the stopband extinction ratio. With careful selection of the grating parameters () and order of the filter (), a lossless and high extinction filter can be designed with a high shape factor. 2.2.Device FabricationThe devices were fabricated using our SOI (device layer , box layer = , and handle layer = )-based in-house waveguide process technology at the CNNP, IIT Madras. The devices were patterned using single-step e-beam lithography using negative tone resist followed by inductively coupled plasma reactive-ion etching. The devices were terminated with grating couplers centered around 1550 nm (period = 620 nm) for fiber-optic couplings at the input/output access waveguides. Reference waveguides of length the same as the corresponding devices were also fabricated to help normalize the wavelength-dependent grating coupler response of device transmission characteristics. The list of fourth-order DBR cavity devices with the corresponding grating parameters is provided in Table 1. Table 1Fabricated device parameters for fourth-order DBR cavity.
The SEM image of one of the fabricated fourth-order filters is shown in Fig. 3. The measured device parameters are close to the design values except for the perturbation width, which is slightly higher than designed. However, it may be observed that the grating modulations are rounded around the edges, which can have an impact on the coupling coefficient. 2.3.Device CharacterizationFigure 4 shows the schematic block diagram of the experimental set-up for device characterization. The transmission characteristics of the fabricated devices were measured using an optical source-cum-spectrum analyzer (APEX AP2043B, France) with a resolution bandwidth of 0.8 pm and sensitivity of for a wavelength range of . All the measured device transmission characteristics have been normalized with respect to the reference waveguide transmission to eliminate the wavelength-dependent grating coupler response. The normalized transmission characteristics of DBR cavities are shown in Fig. 5. The observed Bragg stopband of the devices is found to be red-shifted in comparison with that of the simulation results, as shown in Fig. 2. Also, the central passband is slightly blue-shifted with respect to the phase-matched Bragg wavelength. The deviation in the position of the stopband may be attributed to the deviation in grating modulation, slab height thickness variation, and slight phase errors introduced in the cavity after fabrication during fabrication. For devices , and , the number of gratings in the central DBRs () is slightly less than twice that of . The 3-dB bandwidth in the case of is the lowest, whereas the 10-dB shape factor for is the highest among the three devices. Thus, we observe that a grating ratio of 1.95 and of 1.9 (both slightly lesser than the ratio 2) gives a better shape factor in exchange for a slightly higher 3-dB bandwidth. But, the 3-dB bandwidth mainly depends on the grating coupling coefficient because the overall grating length here does not change significantly from device to device. For device , with and , the shape factor is similar to that of but with a higher 3-dB bandwidth. As the ratio becomes exactly 2 for both and in , the shape factor further reduces to 0.8 with a broader passband. In device with and , the shape factor is the lowest at 0.74 with the highest 3-dB bandwidth. Although the overall insertion loss in the passband for all the devices is well within 1 dB with the in-band ripple of , some of them show slight distortion in the flat-top envelope. Another observation can be made in terms of the asymmetry of the stopbands around the passband in all the devices, which may be attributed to fabrication-induced phase errors in the grating structures around the cavities and can be mitigated with better process control or active tuning. The extinction ratio of the passband in devices , and is , whereas it reduces to for device . The sideband ripples in all cases are within , which can be further reduced with apodization techniques, as discussed in Sec. 3. The normalized transmission spectrum for a fifth-order DBR cavity is shown in Fig. 6(a) along with the zoomed passband in Fig. 6(b). A lossless flat-top spectrum is observed with in-band ripples within . The 3- and 10-dB bandwidths are measured to be 2.13 and 2.34 nm, respectively, which result in a 10-dB shape factor of 0.91. The combination of and is chosen after the trends observed in the fourth-order filter characteristics, which can be further explored for enhanced shape factor. As observed in the simulations, with more coupled cavities, the rectangular shape of the passband can be engineered to provide high roll-off filter characteristics. The behavioral trend of higher-order filters can be considered analogous to a higher-order Butterworth filter where the passband roll-off gets sharper with increasing filter order. Haus and Schmidt20 discussed the equivalent inductor-capacitor-based model in detail and provided a framework for modeling the higher-order Bragg resonators in terms of filter response. 3.Compact Apodized DBR Cavity Filter with Ultra-Broad RejectionPreviously, an apodized sub-wavelength grating (SWG)-based rectangular edge filter device was designed and demonstrated for operating in the transmission regime of the SWG band structure with ultra-broad flat-top passband and high roll-off DBR stop band-edge, for sensing and signal processing applications.26 To design a compact Fabry–Pérot cavity with high-reflectivity, ultra-broad DBR mirrors, the previous demonstration served as a foundation, and the device was re-designed for operating in the Bragg stopband regime with desired features for various photonic integrated circuit applications. A primary requirement to obtain high-Q resonance and negligible insertion loss involves the design of a smooth adiabatically apodized DBR. We have adapted a semi-analytical model to optimize the device design along with a final verification of the simulation with the more accurate 3D-finite-difference time-domain (3D-FDTD) solver. 3.1.Device DesignThe top and cross-sectional views of the proposed device have been shown schematically in Fig. 7, with important design parameters annotated in the schematic. The grating width is apodized from to in the middle along with linearly tapering the input/output single-mode waveguide width from down to . The values of grating parameters and the grating period (50% duty cycle), critical to obtaining ultra-broad stopband and high Q without introducing significant insertion loss in the passband, have been carefully chosen. The grating periodicity () has been chosen to be 292 nm to fix the Bragg wavelength with the desired ultra-broad stopband (). The length of the DBR mirrors denoted as is stretched from to along the X-axis, as shown in Fig. 7(b). The fundamental guided mode (TE-like) launched from the input single-mode waveguide expands adiabatically to have maximum overlap with the grating structure at the center of the DBR resulting in very strong coupling strength at the phase-matched Bragg wavelength and then symmetrically tapered down into the output single mode waveguide, where is the average effective index of the grating region at . This apodization technique ensures that the effective indices of the forward and backward coupled fundamental modes along the device length can be maintained nearly uniformly and the same as that of the input/output waveguide. To support fundamental TE-like mode, waveguides with and have been chosen for input/output access waveguides. An optimized maximum grating width and a minimum taper width are used for further device simulation. The coupled mode theory-aided-transfer matrix method (CMT-aided-TMM)–based semi-analytical simulation approach is discussed in detail elsewhere.27 To briefly summarize the approach for CMT-aided-TMM model, we have used the solutions of the coupled mode equations used to model the Bragg structures to generate the transmission coefficient matrix of each grating. This is different than the approach described in Sec. 2 where the Fresnel equations using plane wave approximation are used to obtain the same matrix for each grating. Our proposed method is helpful in providing the flexibility to model apodized grating structures while remaining within the confines of the standard coupled mode theory. The overall transmission is calculated similar to the previous transfer matrix method by sequentially multiplying the grating transmission matrices. Figure 8 shows the simulated transmission spectra of the DBR resonators for a cavity length of and other optimized grating parameters as mentioned above. For a fixed , the Q value of the resonance and stopband extinction ratio is observed to increase with . The inset figure shows the blue shift in the resonance wavelength due to a reduction in the average effective index as the and the apodization function are maintained, whereas increases. The insertion loss at resonant wavelengths increases with because of the higher reflectivity of the DBR mirrors (lower extracted power from the cavity in the transmission characteristics, even though the Q value increases). 3.2.Device FabricationThe fabrication steps for this device are the same as those described in Sec. 2.2. Subsequently, the SEM image of one of the smallest fabricated apodized DBR cavity devices is shown in Fig. 9. 3.3.Device CharacterizationThe characterization setup shown in Sec. 2.3 is used for measuring the transmission of this device. Figure 10 shows the spectra of a set of singly resonant apodized DBR cavity filters for three different with and . The observed stopband was found to be , which shows that the apodized DBR designs can result in an ultra-broad stopband. The stopband of the DBR cavity decreases as the DBR length increases following theoretical prediction.28 In addition, the observed blueshift in resonances as a function of is found to be in accordance with the simulation result discussed in Fig. 8. Although the stopband extinction is not seen to be significantly improving as a function of grating length as predicted by the theoretical simulation, the observed discrepancy can be attributed to the sensitivity of the optical spectrum analyzer used in our experimental setup. One could evaluate the DBR length-dependent extinction by increasing the input power level.16 Nevertheless, the resonator Q values are increased with grating length from to as expected. As a consequence, the insertion loss at the resonance transmission peak also increases as discussed earlier. 4.Summary and ConclusionWe have discussed the two different design approaches toward on-chip band-pass filters using DBR cavity resonances. First, fourth- and fifth-order higher-order coupled DBR cavity design was attempted in rib waveguide–based DBR structure to achieve very low insertion loss in the passband without any thermal control using the transfer matrix method. The grating parameters such as , h, and were optimized along with a few variations in the number of gratings at each cavity stage to study the impact on the 10-dB shape factor and 3-dB bandwidth of the passband. The position of the stopband and the passband was found to have deviated from the designed Bragg wavelength owing to fabrication process variation. Although the fourth-order passive resonant filter demonstrated a nearly lossless, flat-top response (ripple ) with the best out-of-band rejection (), and a maximum shape factor of 0.88 without any active tuning, its fifth-order counterpart exhibits better out-of-band rejection () and a higher shape factor of 0.91. To summarize, although the experimental results were slightly deviated from the simulation results, the desired lossless flat-top passband with a very high 10-dB shape factor was demonstrated. Furthermore, the experimental results can be modeled suitably to extract the optimized design parameters. In comparison with the relevant demonstrations of higher-order DBR-based bandpass filters by Porzi et al.21 where thermal phase shifters were used for mitigating the phase error and obtaining the passband with low insertion loss, our device design with rib waveguide–based DBR structures has shown promise in reducing the said fabrication-induced phase errors without any active tuning mechanism. The multimode design approach of Kaushal et al.22 also aims to achieve a similar objective by design; nevertheless, the experimental results show a considerable insertion loss of . Second, a novel and compact DBR cavity design using apodized DBRs was proposed for an ultra-broad rejection band along with low insertion loss and high extinction in the passband. A semi-analytical theoretical approach was carried out for the proposed cavity design, and the impact of critical design parameters such as the DBR grating length , its apodization parameters , and the unperturbed central cavity length can be optimized to obtain a desired single cavity response for various applications. The proposed devices were fabricated using our in-house fabrication facilities and experimentally investigated. We showed that a -long device (, , and ) could exhibit single resonance at the center of a broad stopband () with an extinction of . The Q-value and insertion loss at resonance can be controlled by controlling the above grating parameters for a given fabrication process parameters. The footprint of the device is found to be the smallest in terms of the ultra-broad stopband, extinction, and insertion loss achieved when compared with recent demonstrations such as Refs. 29–31, where the reported device length is , with stop bandwidth in the order of with extinction of with some reporting insertion loss in the order of 5 to 10 dB. The quality factor obtained by our devices is in the same order as the above-cited demonstrations. Although that can be improved further with process enhancement and reduction in surface roughness–induced losses, silicon nitride–based DBR resonators can exhibit better performance metrics in terms of quality factor and loss due to the inherent advantage of the low-loss material platform. In summary, the reported device structures were novel design approaches targeting very low-loss and completely passive filter characteristics and were fabricated using in-house facilities at the CNNP, IIT Madras. 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BiographyPratyasha Priyadarshini received her BTech degree in electronics and communication engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, in 2017. She joined as an MS (by research) scholar in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, in July 2018. Her research interest lies in grating structure-based filters for silicon photonic applications. Arnab Goswami received his BE degree in electronics and telecommunication engineering from the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, West Bengal, India, in 2014, and his MTech degree in communication engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura, India, in 2017. He completed his PhD in integrated quantum photonics at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, in 2024. Currently, he serves as Chief Technology Officer at the Centre for Programmable Photonic Integrated Circuits and Systems in the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras, India. Bijoy Krishna Das received his master’s degree in solid state physics from Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, India, in 1996, and his PhD (Dr. rer. nat) in integrated optics from the University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany, in 2003. From 1996 to 2006, he focused on LiNbO3-based integrated optics, which included pre-doctoral research at IIT Kharagpur, India; doctoral research with the University of Paderborn, Germany; and three years of postdoctoral research in three different countries (Japan, United States, and Germany). Since August 2006, he has been a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, India. His research interests include integrated silicon photonics technology, and he has more than 100 research publications. |