C. Litting, P. Lilley, D. Smith
Optical Engineering, Vol. 12, Issue 4, 124135, (August 1973) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7971647
TOPICS: Electron beams, Electro optics, Fourier transforms, Displays, Lamps, Modulators, Zinc, Interfaces, Projection systems, Polarizers
Light from a projector lamp is passed through condenser optics and a polariser illuminating uniformly an electron beam actuated Pockels modulator. The modulator rotates the plane of polarisation of the light which is passed to the analyser. The output of the analyser can be projected to a large screen. The electro-optic target consists of an A1203 - ZnS layer structure biased with a d.c. voltage. A charge pattern corresponding to a T.V. image is produced at the interface by electron beam induced conductivity in the A1203 layer. Current gain in the EBIC layer enables low beam currents to be used. By controlling the amount of u.v. in the light, the electro-optic ZnS is rendered sufficiently conductive for the interface charge to decay in a frame time. Calculations show contrast ratios >100:1 could be obtained using a 4 cm diameter target and a brightness of 60 ft lamberts could be achieved on a 12 ft by 9 ft screen, from commercially available arc lamps.