1 June 2006 Probability of identification of small hand-held objects for electro-optic forward-looking infrared systems
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This paper describes research on the measurement of the 50% probability of identification cycle criteria (N50,V50) for a set of hand-held objects normally held or used in a single hand. These cycle criteria are used to calibrate the Night Vision Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD) target acquisition models. The target set consists of 12 objects, from innocuous to potentially lethal. Objects are imaged in the visible, midwave infrared (MWIR), and long-wave infrared (LWIR) spectrum at 12 different aspects. Two human perception experiments are performed. The first experiment simulates an incremental constriction of the imaging systems modulation transfer function (MTF). The N50, and V50 calibration criteria are measured from this perception experiment. The second experiment not only simulates an incremental constriction of the system MTF but also down samples the imagery to simulate the objects at various ranges. The N50 and V50 values are used in NVTherm 2002 and NVThermIP, respectively, to generate range prediction curves for both the LWIR and MWIR sensors. The range predictions from both NVTherm versions are then compared with the observer results from the second perception experiment. The comparison between the results of the second experiment and the model predictions provides a verification of measured cycle criteria.
©(2006) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Steve K. Moyer, Jonathan G. Hixson, Timothy C Edwards, and Keith A. Krapels "Probability of identification of small hand-held objects for electro-optic forward-looking infrared systems," Optical Engineering 45(6), 063201 (1 June 2006). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.2213997
Published: 1 June 2006
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Long wavelength infrared

Imaging systems

Contrast transfer function

Modulation transfer functions

Targeting Task Performance metric

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