Tao Pu, Fanqiu Meng, Ji-yong Zhao, Tao Fang, Jilin Zheng, Long Huang
Optical Engineering, Vol. 55, Issue 03, 031108, (October 2015) https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.55.3.031108
TOPICS: Modulation, Single sideband modulation, Radio over Fiber, Laser optics, Radio optics, Optical proximity correction, Fiber Bragg gratings, Semiconductor lasers, Dispersion, Fiber lasers
This paper introduces three different dispersion compensation methods based on superstructure fiber Bragg grating (SSFBG) and an injection distributed feedback (DFB) laser. First, an SSFBG with a nonlinearity group delay spectrum was designed to achieve tunable dispersion compensation. Second, an approach is proposed for realizing single-sideband modulation with an optimum optical carrier to sideband ratio for maximizing the transmission performance of a radio-over-fiber (RoF) system based on a strong optical injection-locked DFB laser. Finally, a broadband chromatic dispersion compensation scheme using an optical phase conjugator based on a DFB semiconductor laser is proposed and experimentally demonstrated in RoF links.