Dr. Aaron M. Datesman
at NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (10)

SPIE Journal Paper | 31 May 2019 Open Access
JATIS, Vol. 5, Issue 02, 021017, (May 2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JATIS.5.2.021017
KEYWORDS: X-rays, Sensors, Field effect transistors, Electronics, Microwave radiation, Staring arrays, Prototyping, Image resolution, Cryocoolers, Superconductors

SPIE Journal Paper | 8 April 2019 Open Access
Stephen J. Smith, Joseph Adams, Simon Bandler, James Chervenak, Aaron Datesman, Megan Eckart, Fred Finkbeiner, Ruslan Hummatov, Richard Kelley, Caroline Kilbourne, Antoine Miniussi, Frederick Porter, John Sadleir, Kazuhiro Sakai, Nicholas Wakeham, Edward Wassell
JATIS, Vol. 5, Issue 02, 021008, (April 2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JATIS.5.2.021008
KEYWORDS: Sensors, X-rays, X-ray astronomy, Image resolution, Gold, Lithium, Phonons, Signal to noise ratio, Digital filtering, Resistance

Proceedings Article | 19 July 2016 Paper
Simon Bandler, Joseph Adams, James Chervenak, Aaron Datesman, Megan Eckart, Fred Finkbeiner, Richard Kelley, Caroline Kilbourne, Gabriele Betancourt-Martinez, Antoine Miniussi, Frederick Porter, John Sadleir, Kazuhiro Sakai, Stephen Smith, Thomas Stevenson, Nicholas Wakeham, Edward Wassell, Wonsik Yoon, Dan Becker, Douglas Bennett, William Doriese, Joseph Fowler, Johnathan Gard, Gene Hilton, Benjamin Mates, Kelsey Morgan, Carl Reintsema, Daniel Swetz, Joel Ullom, Saptarshi Chaudhuri, Kent Irwin, Sang-Jun Lee, Alexey Vikhlinin
Proceedings Volume 9905, 99050Q (2016) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2232156
KEYWORDS: Sensors, X-rays, Tantalum, Superconductors, Computer aided design, Silver, Matrices, Field effect transistors, Electronics, Spectral resolution

Proceedings Article | 23 July 2014 Paper
Christine Jhabvala, Dominic Benford, Regis Brekosky, Meng-Ping Chang, Nicholas Costen, Aaron Datesman, Gene Hilton, Kent Irwin, Alan Kogut, Justin Lazear, Edward Leong, Stephen Maher, Timothy Miller, S. Moseley, Elmer Sharp, Johannes Staguhn, Edward Wollack
Proceedings Volume 9153, 91533C (2014) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2056995
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Semiconducting wafers, Multiplexers, Gold, Etching, Superconductors, Silicon, Molybdenum, Lead, Bolometers

Proceedings Article | 5 October 2012 Paper
J. Henning, P. Ade, K. Aird, J. Austermann, J. Beall, D. Becker, B. Benson, L. Bleem, J. Britton, J. Carlstrom, C. Chang, H.-M. Cho, T. Crawford, A. Crites, A. Datesman, T. de Haan, M Dobbs, W. Everett, A. Ewall-Wice, E. George, N. Halverson, N. Harrington, G. Hilton, W. Holzapfel, J. Hubmayr, K. Irwin, M. Karfunkle, R. Keisler, J. Kennedy, A. Lee, E. Leitch, D. Li, M. Lueker, D. Marrone, J. McMahon, J. Mehl, S. Meyer, J. Montgomery, T. Montroy, J. Nagy, T. Natoli, J. Nibarger, M. Niemack, V. Novosad, S. Padin, C. Pryke, C. Reichardt, J. Ruhl, B. Saliwanchik, J. Sayre, K. Schaffer, E. Shirokoff, K. Story, C. Tucker, K. Vanderlinde, J. Vieira, G. Wang, R. Williamson, V. Yefremenko, K. Yoon, E. Young
Proceedings Volume 8452, 84523A (2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.927172
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Silicon, Semiconducting wafers, Detector arrays, Cameras, Polarization, Copper, Polarimetry, Waveguides, Superconductors

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