Dr. Alix M. Preston
NASA Postdoctoral Fellow
SPIE Involvement:
Profile Summary

I have a wealth of knowledge and experience that deal with optical design and fabrication ranging from building ultra-stable hollow retroreflectors, to designing and testing optical benches, to building and integrating EOM and AOM components, to laser pulse shaping for CO2 and O2 atmospheric level measurements. Much of my work focuses on applying a bonding technique known as hydroxide bonding to assemble complex and ultra-stable optical components bonded with sub-micron accuracy for cryogenic use. Additionally, I have almost a decade worth of experience in laser frequency stabilization, interferometers, and electronic feedback instrumentation feedback control systems.
Publications (2)

SPIE Journal Paper | 26 June 2014
Alix Preston, Stephen Merkowitz
OE, Vol. 53, Issue 06, 065107, (June 2014) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.OE.53.6.065107
KEYWORDS: Retroreflectors, Mirrors, Epoxies, Glasses, Solids, Fabrication, Surface finishing, Error analysis, Optical engineering, Aluminum

Proceedings Article | 7 July 2006 Paper
Alix Preston, Rachel Cruz, J. Ira Thorpe, Guido Mueller, Rodrigo Delgadillo
Proceedings Volume 6273, 627321 (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.668608
KEYWORDS: Silicon carbide, Zerodur, Nanoimprint lithography, Mirrors, Glasses, Space operations, Surface finishing, Polishing, Silicates, Laser stabilization

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