Dr. Edwin Garcia
at Imperial College London
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (5)

Proceedings Article | 7 December 2021 Paper
R. Kalita, J. Lightley, S. Kumar, Y. Alexandrov, E. Garcia, W. Flanagan, M. A. Neil, C. Dunsby, P. M. French
Proceedings Volume 11922, 119220Y (2021) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2615736
KEYWORDS: Microscopy, Phase contrast, LCDs, Cameras, Polarizers, Microscopes, Luminescence, Optical filters, Objectives, Image acquisition

Proceedings Article | 7 December 2021 Paper
J. Lightley, F. Görlitz, S. Kumar, R. Kalita, A. Kolbeinsson, E. Garcia, Y. Alexandrov, V. Bousgouni, R. Wysoczanski, P. Barnes, L.. Donelly, C. Bakal, C. Dunsby, M. A. Neil, S. Flaxman, P. M. French
Proceedings Volume 11922, 1192205 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2615663
KEYWORDS: Microscopes, Data acquisition, Microscopy, Data modeling, Imaging systems, Objectives, Neural networks, Infrared radiation, Infrared imaging, Cameras

Proceedings Article | 3 March 2020 Paper
Frederik Görlitz, Riccardo Wysoczanski, Sunil Kumar, Jonathan Lightley, Edwin Garcia, Yuriy Alexandrov, Ian Munro, Simon Johnson, Martin Kehoe, Callum Hollick, Jeremy Graham, Louise Donnelly, Peter Barnes, Christopher Dunsby, Mark Neil, Paul M. French
Proceedings Volume 11246, 112460R (2020) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2550682
KEYWORDS: Microscopy, Microscopes, Stimulated emission depletion microscopy, Spatial light modulators, Objectives, Luminescence, Holograms, Data processing, Point spread functions, Data acquisition

Proceedings Article | 2 March 2020 Paper
Edwin Garcia, Wenjun Guo, Sunil Kumar, Frederik Görlitz, Hugh Sparks, Yuriy Alexandrov, Ian Munro, Douglas Kelly, Sean Warren, George Chennell, Alessandro Sardini, David Carling, Peter Thorpe, Christopher Dunsby, Paul M. French
Proceedings Volume 11244, 1124417 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2547517
KEYWORDS: Fluorescence lifetime imaging, Fluorescence resonance energy transfer, Biosensors, Proteins, Luminescence, Data acquisition, Confocal microscopy, Fluorescent proteins, Microscopes, Biological research

Proceedings Article | 22 July 2019 Paper
F. Görlitz, J. Lightley, S. Kumar, E. Garcia, M. Yan, R. Wysoczanski, Y. Alexandrov, J. Baker, P. Barnes, I. Munro, L. Donnelly, C. Dunsby, M. A. Neil, P. M. French
Proceedings Volume 11076, 1107605 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2526940
KEYWORDS: Microscopy, Data processing, Data acquisition, Imaging systems, Microscopes

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