Localization of low energy impacts on carbon fiber composites is an important aspect of structural health monitoring
since it creates subsurface damage which can significantly reduce the stiffness of a component. A novel impact
localization method is proposed based on the strain amplitude measured by Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors. The
algorithm is based on the relative placement of all sensors and the maximum strain amplitude measured by each sensor.
This method requires minimal knowledge of the material or the structure and a minimum number of sensors. The
algorithm showed good results on both simulated and experimental test cases of woven composite plates. It was found
that a minimum of five FBG are necessary to accurately predict the impact location on a plate. The algorithm was also
tested on a woven composite wing showing good localization along the span of the wing but higher errors along the chord length due to the nonlinearity in the measured strains.
Woven fiber composites are currently being investigated due to their advantages over other materials, making them
suitable for low weight, high stiffness, and high interlaminar fracture toughness applications such as missiles, body
armor, satellites, and many other aerospace applications. Damage characterization of woven fabrics is a complex task
due to their tendency to exhibit different failure modes based on the weave configuration, orientation, ply stacking and
other variables. A multiscale model is necessary to accurately predict progressive damage. The present research is an
experimental study on damage characterization of three different woven fiber laminates under low energy impact using
Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors and flash thermography. A correlation between the measured strain from FBG
sensors and the damaged area obtained from flash thermography imaging has been developed. It was observed that the
peak strain in the fabrics were strongly dependent on the weave geometry and decreased at different rates as damage area
increased due to dissimilar failure modes. Experimental observations were validated with the development of a
multiscale model. A FBG sensor placement model was developed which showed that FBG sensor location and
orientation plays a key role in the sensing capabilities of strain on the samples.
32 Fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) were embedded in a full size, composite twisted rudder to monitor internal
strains during underwater blast loading. During final fabrication, the fibers leading to sensors were broken
rendering the embedded sensors useless. Time domain reflectometry located the breaks and suggested a
likely approach to avoiding such problems in the future. An additional 8 FBGs were surface mounted on the
rudder and used to collect data during the blast loading events. Data were successfully collected at rates up to
9700 Hz during 3 blasts, with strains approaching 4000 με and strain rates of up to 13 ε/s.
In this work we detect damage in a composite to metal bolted joint subject to ambient vibrations and strong
temperature fluctuations. Damage to the joint is considered to be a degradation of the connection strength
implemented by loosening the bolts. The system is excited with a signal that conforms to the Pierson-Moskowitz
distribution for wave height and represents a possible loading this component would be subject to in situ. We
show that as the bolts are loosened, increasing amounts of nonlinearity are introduced in the form of impact
discontinuities and stick-slip behavior. The presence of the nonlinearity, hence the damage, is detected by drawing
comparisons between the response data and surrogate data conforming to the null hypothesis of an undamaged,
linear system. Two metrics are used for comparison purposes: nonlinear prediction error and the bicoherence.
Results are displayed using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves. The ROC curve quantifies the
trade-off between false positives (type I errors) and false negatives (type II errors). Type I errors can be
expressed as the probability of false alarm and 1 - type II error is the probability of detection. We demonstrate
that ROC curves provide a unified quantifiable approach for directly comparing the merits of different detection
We examined strain time series from fiber Bragg gratings sensors located in various positions on a composite material
beam attached to a steel plate by a lap joint. The beam was vibrated using both broad-band chaotic signals (Lorenz
system), and a narrow band signal conforming to the Pierson-Moskowitz frequency distribution for wave height
(ambient excitation). The system was damaged by decreasing the torque on instrumented bolts in the lap joint from very
tight all the way through to a joint with a gap and slippage. We analyzed the strain data by reconstructing the attractor of
the system in the case of chaotic forcing and a pseudo-attractor in the case of sea-wave forcing. Using the highest torque
case as an "undamaged" baseline, we calculated the continuity statistic between the baseline attractor and the attractors
of the various damage levels for both forcing cases. We show where one can and cannot say that the functional
relationship between the attractors changes and how those changes are related to damage levels.
Higher order spectral analysis techniques are often used to identify nonlinear interactions in modes of dynamical systems. More specifically, the auto and cross- bispectra have proven to be useful tools in testing for the presence of quadratic nonlinearities based on a system's stationary response. In this paper a class of mechanical system represented by a second-order nonlinear equation of motion subject to random forcing is considered. Analytical expressions for the second-order auto- and cross-spectra are determined using a Volterra functional approach and the presence and extent of nonlinear interactions between frequency components are identified. Numerical simulations accompany the analytical solutions to show how modes may interact nonlinearly producing intermodulation components at the sum and/or difference frequency of the fundamental modes of oscillation. A closed-form solution of the Bispectrum can be used to help identify the source of non-linearity due to interactions at specific frequencies. Possible applications include structural health monitoring where damage is often modeled as a nonlinearity. Advantages of using higher-order spectra techniques will be revealed and pertinent conclusions will be outlined.
A system for interrogating fiber optic Bragg grating arrays at kiloHertz sampling rates with sub-microstrain resolution was presented recently. The system makes use of a tunable fiber Fabry-Perot filter for demultiplexing and a path-imbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer for wavelength conversion. The operationally-passive demodulation technique for the interferometer makes use of probing the 3x3 coupler at the interferometer output for its coupling parameters to execute the technique. In this work, we discuss the effects of how errors in determining these parameters translate into
measurement error and harmonic distortion. We compare measured effects in the laboratory with predictive models to give error
sensitivity metrics. We also consider two modes of sampling errors for such frequency-modulated systems and propose a generalized sampling criterion for minimizing harmonic distortion and measurement error.
A new technique to characterize localized linear elastic constitutive behavior within a Fiber Optic Sensor (FOS) embedded parallel to reinforcing fibers has been developed. A unit cell model has been developed with stresses anywhere within the unit cell formulated as a function of sensor strains. A slicing approach has been implemented within the unit cell to determine effective stresses within each slice of the unit cell. Different layers of the FOS are modeled using individual slices to model the stresses within a given slice. Numerical results are presented for SMF-28 FOS. The accuracy of the developed slicing based micromechanics approach has been validated by comparisons with results obtained using an established micromechanics analysis code based on the Generalized Method of Cells and a general purpose finite element technique. Effective unit cell stress results from all three models show close correlation to one another. In addition, convergence of normal stresses was also investigated with increasing volume fraction of surrounding reinforcing carbon fibers.
Many architectures of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) interrogation systems used for mechanical motion (strain, acceleration, etc.) detection utilize interferometry for some part of the demodulation process. Using a hybrid Mach-Zehnder/tunable filter/3-by-3 coupler system architecture as a testbed, this paper examines error sources in the demodulation process giving rise to both/either accuracy and/or resolution degradation in the demodulated output. In particular, realizations of degradation metrics such
as noise rise and harmonic distortion are reported due to inaccuracy in demodulation parameters, such as coupler parameters or photodetector voltages. Error models are developed where appropriate for comparison between prediction and measurement.
We investigate the use of a vibrational approach for the detection of barely visible impact damage in a composite UAV wing. The wing is excited by a shaker according to a predetermined signal, and the response is observed by a system of fiber Bragg grating strain sensors. We use two different driving sequences: a stochastic signal consisting of white noise, and the output from a chaotic Lorenz oscillator. On these data we apply a variety of time series analysis techniques to detect, quantify, and localize the damage incurred from a pendulum impactor, including classical linear analysis (e.g. modal analyses), as well as recently developed nonlinear analysis methods. We compare the performance of these methods, investigate the reproducibility of the results, and find that two nonlinear statistics are able to detect barely visible damage.
Vibration-based structural health monitoring has largely considered applied excitations as the primary means
of inducing structural vibration. Here we consider how ambient vibrations might be used to assess the level of
damage in a composite UAV wing. The wing consists of a foam core and a carbon fiber skin. We subject the
wing to various amounts of impact damage in order to cause internal delaminations. The wing is then excited
using a gust loading waveform in an effort to simulate the forcing the wing is expected to see in flight. We then
use a probabilistic description of the structure's dynamics to assess the level of damage-induced nonlinearity in
the wing. The approach is capable of making the diagnosis in the absence of a representative baseline data set
from the "healthy" wing.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Composites, Structural health monitoring, Information technology, Algorithms, Data modeling, Fiber optics sensors, Feature extraction, Signal processing, Complex systems
An information-theoretic approach is described for detecting damage-induced nonlinearities in structures. Both the time-delayed mutual information and time-delayed transfer entropy are presented as methods for computing the amount of information transported between points on a structure. By comparing these measures to "linearized" surrogate data sets, the presence and degree of nonlinearity in a system may be deduced. For a linear, five-degree-of-freedom system both mutual information and transfer entropy are derived. An algorithm is then described for computing both quantities from time-series data and is shown to be in agreement with theory. The approach successfully deduces the amount of damage to the structure even in the presence of simulated temperature fluctuations. We then demonstrate the approach to be effective in detecting varying levels of impact damage in a thick composite plate structure.
This paper describes two systems that can monitor up to 64 fiber Bragg grating (FBG) strain gauges simultaneously and their use in structural health monitoring applications. One system directly tracks wavelength shifts and provides ~0.3 me sensitivity with data rates to 360 Hz. The second system uses an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer to convert wavelength to phase. It has a noise floor of ~5 ne/Hz1/2 and data rates to 10 kHz. The wavelength-based system was used in field tests on an all composite hull surface effects ship in the North Sea and on an Interstate highway bridge in New Mexico. The interferometric system has been used to demonstrate enhanced damage detection sensitivity in a series of laboratory experiments that rely on a novel data analysis approach based in nonlinear dynamics and state space analysis. The sensitivity of three of these novel damage detection methods is described.
In past work we have demonstrated a vibration based health monitoring
methodology which was experimentally validated on several plate and beam systems. The method is based on processing time series data by
transforming the data into a state space object, an attractor, and then identifying geometric features of the attractor. The system's structural health or level of damage is monitored by tracking the evolution of the geometric feature as the system evolves. Our previous research indicated that low dimensional inputs work best for characterizing the features. Also discovered was the fact that the features could be characterized with minimal performance loss by using a band limited noise input. The current work assess whether an ambient excitation can serve as the input to the structure and still successfully identify and track geometric features of the system in much the same way that the band limited noise was able to characterize the system. The system in question is a 2D typical section airfoil model with a control surface. A reduced order aerodynamic approach developed by Peters is used to model the fluid loading on the structure. Damage is induced on the structure by introducing increasing amounts of freeplay in the restoring torque of the control surface. The novel and most important component of the
model from the stand point of implementing an on-line structural health monitoring system is the use of an ambient source of excitation namely atmospheric gust loading.
A new algorithm is presented for detecting damage in structures subject to ambient or applied excitation. The approach is derived from an attractor-based technique for detecting nonstationarity in time series data and is referred to as recurrence quantification analysis (RQA). Time series data collected from the structure are used to reconstruct the system's dynamical attractor in phase space. The practitioner then quantifies the probabilities that a given trajectory will visit local regions in this phase space. This is accomplished by forming a binary matrix consisting of all points that fall within some predefined radius of each point on the attractor. The resulting recurrence plot reflects correlations in the time series across all available time scales in a probabilistic fashion. Based on the structure found in recurrence plots a variety of metrics are extracted including: percentage of recurrence points, a measure reflecting determinism, and entropy. These "features" are then used to detect and track damage-induced changes to the structure's vibrational response. The approach is demonstrated experimentally in diagnosing the length of a crack in a thin steel plate. Structural response data are recorded from multiple locations on the plate using a novel fiber-based sensing system.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Fiber Bragg gratings, Oscillators, Control systems, Error analysis, Statistical analysis, Data acquisition, Structural health monitoring, Photography, Data modeling
This paper describes results from an investigation into weld line unzipping. The experiments use a series of steel plates (762 x 408 x 3.17 mm) instrumented with five fiber Bragg grating strain gauges. We rely on tuned chaotic excitation using a Lorenz oscillator to maintain a low dimension system suitable for chaotic attractor property analysis. Weld unzipping is simulated by leaving gaps in a weld line which start at one edge of the plate and extend for 34 or 74 mm (8 or 18% of the plate width). Two speeds of the Lorenz
oscillator are used for excitation. These correspond to positive Lyapunov exponents of 5 and 10 and provide insight into our ability to control the dimensionality of the system. Strain data from the sensors are cast into attractors and analyzed for changes using a feature called nonlinear prediction error. The nonlinear prediction error results demonstrate that the LE=5 excitation barely excites any structure dynamics while the LE=10 excitation clearly excites the first LE of the structure. At the 95% confidence limit with LE=10 excitation three of the five sensors can distinguish all three damage cases with the other two sensors able to separate damaged from undamaged. At the 95% confidence limit with LE= 5, only one sensor was able to distinguish damaged from undamaged and no sensors could distinguish the two damage cases.
In past work, we have presented a methodology for vibration
based damage detection derived from the characterization of
changes in the geometric properties of the time domain response
of a structure. In brief, input forcing signals and output
response signals can be transformed into state space geometrical
representations. When allowed to evolve to a steady state, the
geometric object is called an attractor. Certain properties of
the attractor, such as the local variance of neighborhoods of
points or prediction errors between attractors, have been shown
to correlate directly with damage.
While most inputs will generate some type of attracting geometric
object, prescribing a low dimensional input forcing signal helps to maintain a low dimensional output signal which in turn simplifies the
calculation of attractor properties. Work to date has incorporated
the use of a chaotic input forcing signal based on its low dimensionality yet useful frequency content. In this work we
evaluate various forms of shaped noise as alternative effectively low
dimensional inputs. We assess whether the intrinsic properties of the chaotic input leads to better damage detection capabilities than various shaped noise inputs. The experimental structure considered is a
thin plate with weld line damage.
This work considers the dominant current methods for fiber Bragg grating wavelength interrogation. In addition, a new interrogation method, based on hybridizing a scanning Fabry-Perot filter for selecting individual reflection wavelengths, and an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer for high-resolution conversion of wavelength shifts to phase changes, is presented. The method utilizes a 3x3 fiber optic coupler in such a way that a completely passive demodulation algorithm is implemented. The current version interrogates multiple FBGs at frequencies from DC to near 10 kHz with nanostrain resolution across the full band. Low-frequency resolution is maintained with an interferometer drift compensation technique. We describe the system design and operation in detail and present key performance metrics with comparison to other primary FBG interrogation architectures.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Damage detection, Finite element methods, Systems modeling, Oscillators, System identification, Data modeling, Matrices, Linear filtering, Complex systems
We present a new methodology for vibration based damage detection derived from the characterization of changes in the geometric properties of the time domain response of a structure. Many new features present themselves when the geometry of attracting objects in phase space are considered. The most promising avenue of study are metrics that describe changes to the attractor shape or dimension. In particular, the utility of a feature consisting of the ratio of average local variance (or spatial dispersion) of the input to the average local variance of the response is assessed. Presenting the results of the geometric time domain method in a statistical framework highlights the method's increased sensitivity to subtle damage-inflicted changes to the structure when compared to more traditional modal based methods. In addition the geometric method demonstrates a more robust handling of changes due to ambient environmental fluctuation. Results are presented from a finite element model of a thin plate with weld line damage implemented through a relaxation of a boundary condition.
An apparatus has been designed and constructed to continuously monitor the number density, size, and fluorescent emission of ambient aerosol particles. The application of fluorescence to biological particles suspended in the atmosphere requires laser excitation in the UV spectral region. In this study, a Nd:YAG laser is quadrupled to provide a 266 nm wavelength to excite emission from single micrometer-sized particles in air. Fluorescent emission is used to continuously identify aerosol particles of biological origin. For calibration, biological samples of Bacillus subtilis spores and vegetative cells, Esherichia coli, Bacillus thuringiensis and Erwinia herbicola vegetative cells were prepared as suspensions in water and nebulized to produce aerosols. Detection of single aerosol particles, provides elastic scattering response as well as fluorescent emission in two spectral bands simultaneously. Our efforts have focuses on empirical characterization of the emission and scattering characteristics of various bacterial samples to determine the feasibility of optical discrimination between different cell types. Preliminary spectroscopic evidence suggest that different samples can be distinguished as separate bio-aerosol groups. In addition to controlled sample results, we will also discuss the most recent result on the effectiveness of detection outdoor releases and variations in environmental backgrounds.
The third order optical nonlinearity of quantum confined CuCl-doped borosilicate glass caused by saturation of the excitonic absorption is reported. Induced index changes were estimated using the Kramers-Kronig analysis of the bleaching data. The nonlinear refractive index is reported as a function of particle radius and is found to increase with increasing radius over the range 22 A to 34 A.
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