It is important to maintain measurements of Earth Radiation Budget parameters from orbit. Such measurements require broadband radiance detectors such as bolometers or thermopiles that rely on the conversion of radiant energy into heat. This heat conversion/conduction results in a thermal detector typically having an exponential time lag of a few milliseconds. However, it is found that there is often a far slower 'slow mode transient' response of around 300ms because the detector mounting material tends to rise in temperature as heat flows out of the detector to its surroundings. Hence this can cause the detector response to a constant input of radiance to continue increasing by a further 1%, for up to half a second after initial exposure. Using analysis of the heat flow out from a bolometer and through its mounting, the Laplace domain impulse response of the detector is derived that includes both first and second time constant effects. Transformation to the Z domain then allows design of a numerical filter to remove the second time constant effect while retaining that of the first time constant. Restoration of the ideal detector response is shown to be advantageous when applied to the output of thermistor bolometers onboard the Cloud's and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES). It also allows more complete characterization of the response of such detectors using general calibration data. The design and use of such a filter is therefore highly applicable to any scanning bolometer or thermopile instrument with spurious slow mode effects.
Cloud's and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) is an investigation into the role of clouds and radiation in the Earth's climate system. Four CERES scanning thermistor bolometer instruments are currently in orbit. Flight model 1 (FM1) and 2 (FM2) are aboard the Earth Observing System (EOS) Terra satellite and FM3 and FM4 are aboard the EOS Aqua satellite. Each CERES instrument measures in three broadband radiometric regions: the shortwave (SW 0.3-5μm), total (0.3- > 100μm), and window (8-12μm). It has been found that both CERES instruments on the Terra platform imply that the SW flux scattered from the Earth had dropped by up to 2% from 2000 to 2004. No climatological explanation for this drop could be found, suggesting the cause was a drift in both the Terra instruments. However, the onboard calibration lamps for the SW channels do not show a change in gain of this magnitude. Experience from other satellite missions has shown that optics in the orbital environment can become contaminated, severely reducing their transmission of ultra-violet (UV) radiation. Since the calibration lamps emit little radiance in the UV spectral region it was suggested that contaminates could be responsible for an undetectable 'spectral darkening' of the CERES SW channel optics and hence the apparent drop in SW flux. Further evidence for this was found by looking at the comparison between simultaneous measurements made by FM1 and FM2. The proposed mechanisms for contaminant build up would not apply to a CERES instrument operating in the normal cross track scan mode. Indeed it was found from the comparison between CERES instruments on Terra that the response of the instrument operating in rotating azimuth plane (RAPS) mode consistently dropped relative to the other cross track instrument. Since at all times one of the instruments operates in cross track mode, where it is not subject to spectral darkening, it allowed that unit to be used as a calibration standard from which the darkening of the other RAPS instrument can be measured. A table of adjustment coefficients to compensate for this spectral darkening are therefore derived in this paper. These figures are designed to be multiplied by SW fluxes or radiances produced in the climate community using Edition 2 CERES data. SW CERES measurements that have been revised using these coeffcients are therefore to be referred to as ERBE-like Edition2_Rev1 or SSF Edition2B_Rev1 data in future literature. Current work to fully characterize the effect of spectral darkening on the instrument spectral response before the release of Edition 3 data is also described.
Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) instruments were designed to measure the reflected shortwave and emitted longwave radiances with three scanning thermistor bolometer sensors that measure broadband radiances in the shortwave (0.3 - 5.0 micrometers), total (0.3 - >100 micrometers) and 8 -12 micrometer water vapor window regions. Currently four of the CERES instruments (Flight Models1 through 4[FM1 - FM4]) are flying aboard EOS Terra and Aqua platforms with two instruments aboard each spacecraft. The Terra and Aqua spacecraft are at 705 km near polar, sun synchronous orbits with the equatorial crossing time of 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM. One of the several validation studies for gauging the CERES sensors' performance utilizes the monitoring of tropical ocean longwave measurements for all sky condition. Previous studies on tropical ocean conducted by Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) have shown that the mean longwave radiances remain very stable making it a suitable Earth target for validation. The difference in the tropical ocean daytime and nighttime longwave radiances measured by the two longwave measuring sensors on the same instrument are compared, to understand the total sensor’s behavior in various spectral regions. This paper focuses on the results from the tropical ocean measurement analysis called Tropical Mean (TM), calculated for all four CERES instruments aboard Terra and Aqua spacecraft. The TM results along with other validation and calibration studies have helped to detect variations that have occurred in the total sensors of FM2, FM3 and FM4 instruments aboard Terra and Aqua platforms. Further, the TM results has been used to help correct these variations in the ground processing system.
The Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) is an investigation into the role of clouds and radiation in the Earth's climate system. Four CERES scanning thermistor bolometer instruments are currently in orbit. Flight model 1 (FM1) and 2 (FM2) are aboard the Earth Observing System (EOS) Terra satellite and FM3 and FM4 are aboard the EOS Aqua satellite. Terra was launched in December 1999 and Aqua in May 2002. Both satellites are in high inclination near-polar, sun synchronous orbits. Terra crosses the equator at 10:30 am local time in the descending portion of the orbit. Aqua ascends across the equator at 1:30 pm local time. Each CERES instrument on Terra and Aqua measures in three broadband radiometric regions: the shortwave (0.3 - 5.0 micrometers), total (0.3 - >100 micrometers), and window (8 - 12 micrometers). Several vicarious analyses have been developed to aid in monitoring the health and stability of the instruments' radiometric measurements. One analysis is a three-channel inter-comparison of the radiometric channel measurements for each instrument. This procedure can derive an estimate of the shortwave portion of the total channel radiance measurement. A second analysis compares temporally synchronized nadir measurements for each sensor of two instruments on the same platform. The three-channel inter-comparison along with the direct comparison and onboard internal calibrations have been used to identify and correct drifting in the measurements of the CERES instruments. Although these drifts and the correction of the measurements have been previously documented, this paper is a continuation of the efforts to quantify and correct drifting in the measurements using ground-processing software. Previous papers only reported drift correction to the CERES instruments on the Terra platform. In addition to the Terra instruments, this paper documents drift correction to the CERES instruments on the Aqua platform.
The CERES Flight Models 1 through 4 instruments were launched aboard NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) Terra and Aqua Spacecraft into 705 Km sun-synchronous orbits with 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. equatorial crossing times. These instruments supplement measurements made by the CERES Proto Flight Model (PFM) instrument launched aboard NASA’s Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) spacecraft on November 27, 1997 into a 350 Km, 38-degree mid-inclined orbit. An important aspect of the EOS program is the rapid archival and dissemination of datasets measured by EOS instruments to the scientific community. Six months after the commencement of science measurements, CERES is committed to archiving the Edition 1 Level 1 instrument, and Level 2 ERBE-Like data products. These products consist of geolocated and calibrated instantaneous filtered and unfiltered radiances through temporally and spatially averaged TOA fluxes. CERES filtered radiance measurements cover three spectral bands including shortwave (0.3 to 5 μm), total (0.3 to <100 μm) and an atmospheric window channel (8 to 12 μm). The current work summarizes both the philosophy and results of a validation protocol designed to rigorously quantify the quality of the data products as well as the level of agreement between the TRMM, Terra and Aqua datasets.
Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) is an investigation into the role of clouds and radiation in the Earth's climate system. Four CERES scanning thermistor bolometer instruments are currently operational. Flight model 1 (FM1) and 2 (FM2) are aboard the Earth Observing System (EOS) Terra satellite and FM3 and FM4 are aboard the EOS Aqua satellite. Terra was launched in December 1999 and Aqua in May 2002. Each CERES instrument measures in three broadband radiometric regions: the shortwave (0.3 - 5.0 μm), total (0.3 ->100 μm), and window (8 - 12 μm). Several vicarious analyses have been developed to aid in monitoring the health and stability of the instruments' radiometric measurements. One analysis is a three-channel inter-comparison of the radiometric channel measurements for each instrument. A second analysis compares temporally synchronized nadir measurements for each sensor of two instruments on the same platform. These analyses along with onboard calibrations have been used to monitor the drifts in the shortwave measurements and have provided information used to remove the drift using ground software. Previously documented, these analyses will be reviewed and further results for the Terra CERES instruments will be presented along with initial findings for the CERES instruments on Aqua.
Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) instruments are currently flying on two satellite platforms, Terra, launched 18 December 1999 and Aqua, launched 04 May 2002. Both satellites are at a 705-km altitude, in high inclination, polar orbits. Terra crosses the equator at local morning, while Aqua crosses at local afternoon. Each platform carries two CERES instruments. Each CERES instrument contains three scanning radiation-detecting bolometers. The three detectors measure reflected solar and Earth emitted radiation in three bandwidths: shortwave (0.3-5 μm), window (8-12 μm), and total (0.3 to >100 μm). Earth views of each instrument are geolocated to the Earth fixed coordinate system using satellite attitude, ephemeris, and instrument pointing data. An analysis has been developed which uses radiation gradients at ocean-land boundaries measured by the CERES instrument as an aid to validate the computed geolocation. The detected coastlines are compared to known map coordinates and an error analysis is performed after a best fit is made in the coastline comparison. Spatial differences are mapped from latitude, longitude to absolute distance in along-track (ground path) and cross-track (perpendicular to ground path) of the satellite. Results of the Terra CERES instruments have shown maximum errors to be within 10% of the nadir footprint size. A
description of the coastline detection and error analysis will be presented along with results for the Terra CERES instruments. Initial results from the coastline detection and error analysis for the Aqua instruments will be presented also.
Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy system (CERES) sensors provide accurate measurements for the long-term monitoring of the Earth's radiation budget components such as reflected shortwave and emitted longwave radiances. CERES instruments has three scanning thermistor bolometers that measure broadband radiances in the shortwave (0.3 to 5.0 micrometer), total (0.3 to >100 micrometer) and in 8 - 12 micrometer water vapor window regions. Two of the CERES instruments (Flight Models 1 and 2(FM1&2)) are part of ESE Terra mission and has been successfully making Earth radiance measurements for the past two years. The CERES sensors are calibrated in flight using the on-board blackbody sources and a tungsten lamp known as internal calibration module (ICM) as well as a solar diffuser plate known as the Mirror Attenuator Mosaic (MAM). The ICM calibrations is used to determine the sensor measurement precisions during the ground, ground to orbit, and the on-orbit phases of the sensor calibrations. The MAM calibrations define on-orbit shifts or drifts in shortwave and total sensor responses. The traditional validation studies conducted to understand the stability of the sensors' performance include the analysis of Tropical Mean (TM) value using nadir tropical ocean measurements and three channel intercomparison between sensors of the same instrument. With two CERES instruments on the same platform, an additional study utilizing direct comparison of similar sensor measurements viewing the same geolocation is also conducted. The ICM results have shown that total sensors on both instruments have shown a variation of 0.25 and 0.5 percent respectively, whereas the shortwave sensors show a minimal change of 0.2 percent each. With high variability during the initial year, the MAM results have stabilised within the 0.5 percent precision range in the second year. The validation studies have shed additional light into the behaviour of total sensors in the shortwave and longwave spectral regions. The TM longwave day night difference (DN) derived from longwave sensors of each CERES instrument indicate that the FM1 sensors have varied about 0.25 watts m-2sr-1, whereas the total sensor in FM2 has a gradual rise of 1.4 watts m-2sr-1 in a 30 month period. This paper discusses briefly the contribution of each calibration and validation study in understanding the CERES sensors' behavior and the results from both Terra instruments' sensors. It also discusses how the various analyses are put together in understanding the rise seen in the total sensor of FM2 instrument.
Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) is an investigation into the role of clouds and radiation in the
Earth's climate system. Two CERES scanning thermistor bolometer instruments are aboard the Earth Observing System (EOS) Terra satellite that was launched 18 December 1999. Each CERES instrument has three sensors that measure in distinct broadband radiometric regions: the shortwave channel (0.3 - 5.0 μm), total channel (0.3 - greater than 100 μm), and window channel (8 - 12 μm). Two analyses have been implemented to aid in monitoring the stability of the measurements of the instruments. One analysis is a three-channel inter-comparison of the radiometric measurements for each instrument. This procedure derives an estimate of the shortwave portion of the total channel sensor radiance measurement. The second analysis is a direct comparison of temporally synchronized nadir measurements for each sensor of the two instruments. Use of these analyses indicates that the shortwave region of the measurements is drifting over mission lifetime for both instruments. A discussion of correcting the shortwave drift using ground software is included.
Clear sky longwave radiances and fluxes are compared with the sea surface temperatures for three oceanic regions: Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific. The Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) measurements were obtained by the three thermistor bolometers: total channel which measures the radiation arising from the earth-atmosphere system between 0.3 - > 100 micrometer; the window channel which measures the radiation from 8 - 12 micrometer; and the shortwave channel which measures the reflected energy from 0.3 - < 5.0 micrometer. These instruments have demonstrated measurement precisions of approximately 0.3% on the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) between ground and on-orbit sensor calibrations. In this work we have used eight months of clear sky earth-nadir-view radiance data starting from January 1998 through August 1998. We have found a very strong correlation of 0.97 between the CERES window channel's weekly averaged unfiltered spectral radiance values at satellite altitude (350 km) and the corresponding weekly averaged sea surface temperature (SST) data covering all the oceanic regions. Such correlation can be used in predicting the sea surface temperatures using the present CERES Terra's window channel radiances at satellite altitude very easily.
12 Currently, the moon is being used as a radiometric target to determine on-orbit relative shifts or shifts in the responses of certain spacecraft shortwave sensors. Along these lines, the 1998 Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Spacecraft/Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) thermistor bolometer sensor observations of lunar radiances were analyzed to evaluate the feasibility using the lunar radiances to calibrate the CERES sensor responses. Over a 5 to 110 degree phase angle range, the CERES sensors were used to measure: broadband shortwave (0.3 micrometers to 5.0 micrometers ) moon-reflected solar filtered radiances; broadband total (0.3 micrometers to more than 100 micrometers ) moon- reflected solar and moon-emitted longwave filtered radiances; and narrowband window (8 micrometers to 12 micrometers ) moon- emitted longwave filtered radiances. The TRMM/CERES on-orbit radiance measurements are tied to an International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) modeled radiometric scale at uncertainty levels approaching 0.2% (0.2 Wm-2sr-1). Therefore, the TRMM/CERES measurements should be useful in forecasting the precisions of scheduled CERES lunar measurements from the NASA Terra and Aqua Spacecraft platforms near phase angle of 22 and 55 degrees, respectively. The 7-degree phase angle, 1998 CERES shortwave, total, and window measurements yielded lunar filtered radiances of approximately 4.5+/- 0.2, 24.4+/- 0.5, and 4.5+/- 0.2 Wm-2sr-1, respectively. These lunar measurements indicate that broadband shortwave radiances can be characterized at the 5% uncertainty range. The 7-degree, shortwave lunar radiances were found to be approximately 1.5 and 3 times brighter greater the corresponding radiances found at the 22-degree and 55-degree phase angles, respectively. Therefore, the Terra and Aqua CERES lunar shortwave measurements near 22.5- degree and 55-degree phase angles should yield projected precisions in the 7% and 15% range, respectively. The CERES lunar filtered radiance are presented and discussed. Research efforts are outlined briefly for comparing the total sensor broadband and window narrowband longwave lunar radiances during the January 9, 2001 lunar eclipse.
The Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) scanning thermistor bolometers have a response time of approximately 9 ms for 98 to 99% of the signal, after which there is a slow change for the remaining 1 to 2% of the response due to a slow mode. This paper describes the theoretical and experimental procedures used in producing the slow mode coefficients for the CERES Flight Models 1 and 2 instruments aboard the Terra spacecraft, which was launched on December 18,1999. The response behavior for the total thermistor bolometer (0.3 - > 100 µm) and window channel (8-12 µm) were determined by analyzing the internal blackbody calibration ground data while the shortwave thermistor bolometer (0.3 - 5 µm) was determined using shortwave internal calibration source ground data obtained at the TRW calibration facility at Redondo Beach, California. These slow mode coefficients agree with the coefficients obtained by analyzing the in-flight calibration data. A numerical filter removes the effects of the slow mode from the measurements. The method may be applicable to other instruments which have spurious transients.
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