Dr. Stuart Sherwin
Research Scientist at EUV Tech
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (22)

SPIE Journal Paper | 19 September 2024
Luke Long, Stuart Sherwin, Ryan Miyakawa, Tom Pistor, Matt Hettermann, Patrick Naulleau
JM3, Vol. 23, Issue 03, 034401, (September 2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JMM.23.3.034401
KEYWORDS: Optical lithography, Extreme ultraviolet, Ruthenium, Tantalum, Critical dimension metrology, Simulations, Near field, Imaging systems, Data modeling, Semiconducting wafers

Proceedings Article | 10 April 2024 Presentation + Paper
Proceedings Volume 12953, 129530F (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3012400
KEYWORDS: Extreme ultraviolet, Phase shifts, Multilayers, Light sources and illumination, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Reflection, Ruthenium, 3D mask effects, Tantalum, Scanners

Proceedings Article | 10 April 2024 Presentation
Luke Long, Stuart Sherwin, Ryan Miyakawa, Tom Pistor, Matt Hettermann, Patrick Naulleau
Proceedings Volume PC12953, PC129530J (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3012360
KEYWORDS: Optical lithography, Extreme ultraviolet, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Phase shifts, Semiconducting wafers, Printing, Panoramic photography, Monte Carlo methods, Lithography, Attenuation

Proceedings Article | 22 November 2023 Presentation
Proceedings Volume PC12751, PC127510P (2023) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2688099
KEYWORDS: Phase shifts, Extreme ultraviolet, Metrology, Scatterometry, Phase measurement, Near field, Light scattering, Laser scattering, Attenuation, 3D mask effects

Proceedings Article | 22 November 2023 Presentation
Luke Long, Stuart Sherwin, Ryan Miyakawa, Thomas Pistor, Patrick Naulleau
Proceedings Volume PC12751, PC127510E (2023) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2688231
KEYWORDS: Extreme ultraviolet, Signal attenuation, Phase shifts, Design and modelling, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Photomasks, Tantalum, Optical design, Nanoimprint lithography, Lithography

Showing 5 of 22 publications
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