Prof. Sze Yun Set
Project Professor at RCAST Univ of Tokyo
SPIE Involvement:
Area of Expertise:
Fiber Lasers , Fiber Optics , LIDAR , Carbon Nanotube Photonics , Opitcal Sensing , Nonlinear Microscopy
Profile Summary

Dr. Sze Yun Set is a project professor at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), University of Tokyo (UTokyo). He received his B.Eng. with 1st-class honours from the Electronics and Computer Science department and Ph.D. from the Optoelectronics Research Centre, at the University od Southampton in 1993 and 1999, respectively. He was a JSPS post-doctoral fellow at RCAST, UTokyo, Japan, from 1998 to 2001. After spending a year as a senior R&D engineer at Micron Optics Inc., Atlanta, GA, USA, he joined a UTokyo startup Alnair Labs Corporation, in 2022, as an R&D manager and was appointed as the CEO and CTO of the company in 2005. In 2016, he was appointed as an associate professor at UTokyo. From 2021-2022, he was elected as a Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall Cambridge and an academic associate at the Cambridge Graphene Centre, the University of Cambridge, UK. Prof. Set is currently heading the Laser and Photonics Sensing Social Collaboration Labs of RCAST, UTokyo.
Prof. Set’s research interests include short-pulsed fiber lasers, carbon-nanotube/graphene photonics, LIDAR, 3D laser imaging, bio-imaging, and optical sensing. He supervises graduate students from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems and the Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies and teaches two graduate courses in entrepreneurship. He has contributed to more than 250 international journal and conference publications and 12 issued patents.
Dr. Set is a fellow of the OPTICA (formerly OSA), a Distinguished Lecturer of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Photonics Society, a Director of the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) and the associate editor of the IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics.
Publications (13)

Proceedings Article | 12 March 2024 Presentation + Paper
Proceedings Volume 12839, 1283904 (2024)
KEYWORDS: Raman spectroscopy, Microscopy, Raman scattering, Coherence imaging, Spectroscopy, Spectral resolution, Signal to noise ratio, Biological samples, Tissues, Second harmonic generation

Proceedings Article | 12 March 2024 Paper
Proceedings Volume 12865, 128650J (2024)
KEYWORDS: L band, Wavelength tuning, Mode locking, Polarization, Fiber lasers, Solitons, Tunable lasers

Proceedings Article | 5 March 2021 Presentation + Paper
Proceedings Volume 11712, 117120M (2021)
KEYWORDS: Free space optics, Free space optical communications, Wireless communications, Telecommunications, Receivers, Modulation, Turbulence, Sensors, Radio optics, RF communications

Proceedings Article | 10 October 2020 Presentation
Proceedings Volume 11555, 1155509 (2020)
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Gas sensors, Signal detection, Mid-IR, Optical fibers, Fiber lasers, Signal processing, Atmospheric monitoring, Environmental monitoring, Atmospheric optics

Proceedings Article | 1 April 2020 Presentation + Paper
Proceedings Volume 11352, 113521D (2020)
KEYWORDS: Laser scanners, 3D metrology, Modulation, Ranging, Data processing, 3D scanning, Spatial resolution

Showing 5 of 13 publications
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