Prof. Theodore Matikas specializes in the development of health monitoring methodologies for quantification of damage and life prediction of materials and structures. Research interests: Environmental attack of ageing structures, fatigue and fracture of materials and advanced NDE methods for characterization of damage in metals and ceramics, coatings, composites, nano-structured materials and concrete structures.
He is Professor and Director of the Mechanics, NDE and Smart Sensors (MSS-NDE) Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Dept., University of Ioannina, Greece. Since 2008: Member of the Board of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission. 1997-1999: Professor at the Chemical & Materials Engineering Dept., University of Dayton, Ohio, USA and Director of the Center for Materials Diagnostics, UDRI / US Department of Defence. 1991-1997: Research Engineer at UDRI and the US Air Force Research Lab, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio leading the in-house research in NDE.
Awards/Fellowships: Wohlleben/Hochwal Award and Certificate of Merit (1995 and 1999), US National Academy of Science & Engineering Award (1992), CNRS–France Research Award (1987), European Commission Research Fellowship (1988), several best paper awards. He has served as PI and Reviewer in numerous research projects sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, General Secretariat for Research and Technology – Greece, European Commission.
Author of over 200 scientific publications in technical journals and conference proceedings, 5 book-chapters, 6 patents, and delivered over 200 presentations (more than 60 invited plenary/key-note lectures). He is member of: the Euratom Scientific and Technical Committee, the Advisory Board of the Euratom Supply Agency, national expert in FP6 (in Aeronautics) and FP7 (in Euratom – Fission) and independent senior adviser of the International Atomic Energy Agency of the UN.
He is Professor and Director of the Mechanics, NDE and Smart Sensors (MSS-NDE) Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Dept., University of Ioannina, Greece. Since 2008: Member of the Board of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission. 1997-1999: Professor at the Chemical & Materials Engineering Dept., University of Dayton, Ohio, USA and Director of the Center for Materials Diagnostics, UDRI / US Department of Defence. 1991-1997: Research Engineer at UDRI and the US Air Force Research Lab, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio leading the in-house research in NDE.
Awards/Fellowships: Wohlleben/Hochwal Award and Certificate of Merit (1995 and 1999), US National Academy of Science & Engineering Award (1992), CNRS–France Research Award (1987), European Commission Research Fellowship (1988), several best paper awards. He has served as PI and Reviewer in numerous research projects sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, General Secretariat for Research and Technology – Greece, European Commission.
Author of over 200 scientific publications in technical journals and conference proceedings, 5 book-chapters, 6 patents, and delivered over 200 presentations (more than 60 invited plenary/key-note lectures). He is member of: the Euratom Scientific and Technical Committee, the Advisory Board of the Euratom Supply Agency, national expert in FP6 (in Aeronautics) and FP7 (in Euratom – Fission) and independent senior adviser of the International Atomic Energy Agency of the UN.
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Nano-enhanced aerospace composites for increased damage tolerance and service life damage monitoring
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