Review of holographic terrestrial aerospace research and in-orbit holograpic investigations performed in microgravity conditions during the last century is given. Terrestrial aerospace research by means of opto-digital laser speckle metrology is considered. The prospects of holographic in-orbit research in the 21st century are regarded. Outlook for holographic research during future interplanetary missions in the 21st century is discussed. Advanced holographic techniques are presented. These innovative techniques suit ideally for monitoring of various physical processes, studying of vibrations and static deformations, testing of microelectronics and MEMS. They enable quite novel possibilities of rapid, elegant, high volume production of holograms and holographic interferograms both in the terrestrial environments (industrial, natural outdoor environments) and in microgravity outside the Earth. Advanced holographic techniques are so simple that their usage in the planetary environments of the future space missions seems quite natural. They can be used right now for holographic research aboard currently orbiting International Space Station. Advanced holographic techniques might be utilized quite soon on Mars. One of the early variants of advanced techniques invented by this author was used to obtain the first ever holograms and holographic interferograms of different physical phenomena outside the Earth aboard navigating spaceships. The unique feature of innovative techniques is the possibility to work in real time in situ. It is possible to obtain holograms and holographic interferograms in any brightly lit environment, including sunlit environments. The last might be very important in the future planetary missions. Holographic minirobot for planet-based investigations is proposed. Quite novel modifications of advanced techniques permit to process holographically tremendous amounts of data per second; far exceeding near future potentialities of sophisticated computer systems applied to the tasks of 3-dimensional imaging or to the tasks of optical metrology. Experimental data properly illustrating novel vast possibilities and prospects for the future in-orbit and interplanetary space research are presented.
Classification of microsystems is introduced. Review of holographic terrestrial aerospace research and in-orbit holographic investigations performed in microgravity conditions during the last century is given. Prospects of holographic in-orbit research of microsystems in the 21th century are regarded. Prospects of holographic research during future interplanetary missions in the 21th century are discussed. Advanced holographic techniques are presented. They enable quite novel possibilities of producing holograms and holographic interferograms of MEMS, microelectronic components and other microsystems. These innovative techniques suit ideally for testing of MEMS and microelectronics, monitoring of various physical processes, studying of vibrations and static deformations in microgravity aboard current orbital International Space Station. Minimal hardware is required. The hardware is very compact, portable and user-friendly. It is so simple that it can be operated by an astronaut having practically no skill in optics. One of the early variants of holographic techniques invented by this author was used to obtain the first ever holograms and holographic interferograms of different physical phenomena outside the Earth aboard navigating spaceships. The unique feature of innovative techniques is the possibility to work in real time in situ. It is possible to obtain holograms and holographic interferogams in any brightly lit environment, including sunlit environments. The last might be very important in the future planetary missions. Novel very small holographic device is presented. It is portable device with no lenses and no alignment problems. Holographic minirobot for planet-based investigations is proposed. Experimental data properly illustrating novel vast possibilities and prospects for the future in-orbit and interplanetary space research are presented.
Review of current and emerging methods of holography and speckle metrology is given. The prospects of advanced holographic research in microgravity conditions in the 21st century are analysed. Novel holographic rapid access system (RAS) is presented. It is very simple, compact, portable and user-friendly. Holographic RAS is elegantly devised and requires minimal hardware. The unique feature of holographic RAS enable the possibility to work in real time in situ. For the first time it is possible to obtain holograms, holographic interferogams and specklegrams outdoors in any brightly lit environment, including sunlit environments. The innovative holographic RAS suits ideally for monitoring of various physical processes, studying of vibrations and static deformations, testing of microelectronics and MEMS in microgravity aboard the International Space Station. The hardware is so simple that it can be operated by an astronaut having practically no skill in optics. Ultra high resolution silver halide media are used in this RAS. The unique features of holographic RAS enable the possibility to avoid any liquid baths for photoprocessing of the medium and to work in real time in situ. One of the early variants of holographic RAS invented by this author was used to obtain the first ever holograms and holographic interferograms of different physical phenomena aboard navigating spacecraft.
Review of current and emerging methods ofholography and speckle metrology is given. Advanced holographic rapid access system (RAS) is presented. It is very simple, compact, portable and user-friendly. Holographic RAS is elegantly devised and requires minimal hardware. Holographic RAS has several modifications and spin-offs. Ultra high resolution silver halide media are used in this RAS. The unique features of holographic RAS enable the possibility to avoid any liquid baths for photoprocessing ofthe medium and to work in real time in situ. For the first time it is possible to obtain holograms, holographic interferogams and specklegrams outdoors in any brightly lit natural environments, including sunlit ones. It means that even extremely strong polychromatic exposures can be tolerated during rapid production of a hologram. Onboard research by means of holography and speckle metrology is analysed. The innovative holographic RAS suits ideally for monitoring of various physical processes, studying of vibrations and static deformations, testing of microelectronics and MEMS in microgravity. A novel very small holographic device is presented. It is portable device with no lenses and no alignment problems. The hardware is so simple that it can be operated by an astronaut having practically no skill in optics. One of the early variants of holographic RAS invented by this author was used to obtain the first ever holograms and holographic interferograms ofdifferent physical phenomena aboard navigating spacecraft. Experimental data properly illustrating novel vast possibilities for onboard space research are presented. The photographs from holographic interferograms and holograms are shown. Holographic images obtained in extremely unpromising outdoor environments are given.
Miniature semiconductor laser sources are used in holography for the tasks of 3-dimensional data acquisition and volumic display as well as for interferometric non-destructive diagnosis. Semiconductor lasers enable compact recording and display set-ups. Novel advanced holographic methods and compact devices fit very well for producing high quality optical replicas ofmasterpieces. Rapid holographic techniques and the use ofsemiconductor lasers permit to investigate the masterpieces at their constant locations without the need of transportation to a laboratory. Multiple examples with photographs from holograms and holographic interferograms are given in this work. Successive interferograms taken as snapshots during real time monitoring of artwork subjected to deformations are presented.
Current manufacturing processes require rapid, reliable methods and compact, user-friendly, elegant devices capable to work even in unpromising environment. Innovative user- friendly methods and techniques as well as small holographic and speckle interferometers are presented in this paper. The devices are very compact, easy to operate, incorporate semiconductor laser sources and do not require personnel skilled in optics.
Miniature semiconductor laser sources were successfully used in holography and laser speckle metrology for the tasks of 3-dimensional data acquisition, storage and display. Semiconductor lasers enable compact recording and display devices which are easy in operation and well fitted to practical industrial environments.
Novel inspection methods and compact devices incorporating miniature semiconductor laser sources can be applied for automated inspections and optical precision measurements in optomechatronic systems. They fit well for real time monitoring of local deformations. Presented devices and techniques meet modern industrial requirements and permit to work in unpromising environment, perform in situ checks of products and components. Vast experimental data are given and the possibilities of innovative devices and techniques are properly illustrated in multiple practical examples. Photographs from holograms and holographic interferograms recorded with semiconductor lasers and successive sets of snapshots during real time monitoring of thermal fields are presented.
Review of current and emerging methods of holography and speckle metrology is given. Onboard research by means of holography and speckle metrology is analyzed. Advanced holographic rapid access system (RAS) is presented. It is very simple, compact, portable, user-friendly and requires minimal hardware. Holographic RAS has several modifications and spin-offs. Ultra high resolution silver halide media are used in this RAS.
Electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) is a rapidly developing optoelectronic method of nondestructive laser metrology supported with computer evaluations. It permits measurement of deformations in the micrometer and submicrometer ranges produced by an electrical signal, heating, mechanical stress or another load. Though the method seems very friendly for industrial checks it has several drawbacks which prevent its application in real industrial environment: complexity, bulkiness and high costs of optical setups, difficulties in aligning of the optical elements. There are problems in working outside the laboratory especially due to high sensitivity of ESPI devices against environmental vibrations and daylight. The method of ESPI with holographically stored waves was introduced by these authors in 1995. It permitted to avoid all drawbacks mentioned above and to build an elegant, portable ESPI device with 2 optical components only: a HOE and a plane mirror. The device works very well with different test specimens subjected to deformations and vibrations. It was found that the method and the device also suit well for quasi-real time monitoring of dynamic thermal deformations. Such a novel possibility of ESPI to monitor temporal development of deformations due to electrical heating of electronic components populating a printed circuit board (PCB) and to locate a component subjected to excessive heating is presented in this work for the first time. Temporal development of deformations of the same PCB were monitored in quasi-real time in other innovative ESPI devices also originating from our laboratory. These portable, compact devices utilize alternative physical principles for combining of object and reference ESPI waves and guiding them to the sensor of the CCD camera. Such novel devices also ensure proper acquisition and documentation of temporal development of deformations and dynamics of propagation of thermal waves. Vast experimental data properly illustrating the possibilities of the novel methods are presented.
Human visual system is properly suited for reliable and adequate volumetric perception of natural environment. Volumetric data flows coming from the outer physical space are easily acquired, transferred and processed by eye-brain system in real time. This relates also to the animals which use different complicate mechanisms of optical volumetric data acquisition and can navigate safely at high speeds. On the contrary machine vision systems utilizing currently the stereoscopic effect in attempt to achieve volumetric data presentation are very slow, bulky and in a way inelegantly devised. The stereoscopy itself seems can hardly organize the adequate, real time volumetric robot vision.
With the increasing packaging density of electronic components in the integrated circuits (IC) as well as on the printed circuit boards the problems with heat dissipation also increase. Electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) is a rapidly developing optoelectronic method of nondestructive laser metrology supported with computer evaluations. It permits measurements of deformations in the micrometer and submicrometer ranges produced by an electrical signal, heating, mechanical stress or another load. Though these method seems very friendly for testing microelectronic components, composite materials, miniature devices, circuit boards, wafers etc., it has several drawbacks which prevent its application in real industrial environment: complexity, bulkiness and high costs of optical setups, difficulties in aligning of the optical elements. There are problems in working outside the laboratory especially due to high sensitivity of ESPI devices against environmental vibrations and daylight. We present several methods ESPI based on which a family of devices was built. Their unique properties permit to avoid all drawbacks mentioned above. These devices are extremely simple and compact. They are easily aligned and operated even by persons who are not skilled in optics. These devices are ideally suited for working outside the laboratory even by persons who are not skilled in optics. These devices are ideally suited for working outside the laboratory for example in a well-lit industrial environment. The innovative devices permit to measure deformations both in the plane of the object surface and perpendicular to it. A detailed description of the methods and devices given. Multiple examples of ESPI computer evaluations obtained in the novel devices with different small objects under test are presented. However these devices permit to work with much bigger objects if required. Our methods and devices are also suited for qualitative as well as quantitative analysis.
Current manufacturing processes require rapid, inexpensive and reliable techniques for optical inspections of machinery, products and components. Holography and holographic interferometry in spite of their attractive features are rather rarely used for industrial inspections due to relative complexity, costs, lengthy multi-stage procedures, need of dark roms and vibration insulation. Personnel skilled in optics ins also required. Thus holography is usually regarded as poorly compatible with practical industrial environment.
Several novel methods which drastically simplify production of holograms and holographic interferograms are presented. They relate to the holograms and holographic interferograms obtained on ultra high resolution silver halide media. The unique features of the innovative methods are: extreme simplicity, real time and quasi-real time data output, possibility to record, photoprocess and display holograms in daylight (in some cases even in direct sunlight illumination) without any interference filters; possibility to avoid any liquid baths for photoprocessing; proper color response of the reconstructed images. The novel user- friendly holographic methods can be easily allied for nondestructive optical checks in microelectronics, automotive, aerospace and other industries. They can also be applied for testing of the masterpieces of art. Corresponding examples are given. A novel supersmall holographic device is presented which suits well for in situ monitoring and process control in practical industrial environment. This device can be used as portable holographic interferometer without any lenses and no alignment problems enabling monochrome or color data output. Vast experimental data with photograph of displayed images from holograms and holographic interferograms are given. Real time in situ and quasi-real time holographic interferograms with proper color response are shown.
State of the art of holographic research performed within different space flight programs of several countries is discussed. Some of previous methods are not well compatible with unpromising conditions of weightlessness. Quite novel solutions are proposed for real time in situ holographic data acquisition and display on the board of a spacecraft. They are extremely simple, cheap and require minimal holographic hardware. Based on these solutions several novel supersmall holographic devices were devised. One of them is presented. It is portable holographic interferometer with no lenses and no alignment problems enabling monochrome or color data output. No optically skilled personnel are required for operating this device. Experimental data properly illustrating novel vast possibilities for on the board space research are presented.
Current manufacturing processes require rapid, inexpensive and reliable techniques for optical inspections of machinery, products and components. Holography and holographic interferometry in spite of their attractive features are rather rarely used for industrial inspections of products and components due to relative complexity, costs, lengthy multi-stage procedures, need of dark rooms and vibration insulation. The technique of momental holography permits to produce high quality silver halide holograms, HOEs, holographic interferograms and speckle photographs within a few seconds. It is monobath technique with single liquid bath for rapid photoprocessing. No other chemical solutions are required in this case. Quite novel modification of the technique is bathless momental holography which also permits to produce high quality holograms, HOEs, holographic interferograms and specklegrams within a few seconds. No baths with liquid chemicals are used. Bathless holograms, HOEs, holographic interferograms recorded on holographic silver halide media and produced momentally in situ are presented in this work. In situ bathless momental technique is quite inexpensive and very simple. It suits ideally for real time optical inspections which are easily performed without any extra photoprocessing devices located in the recording setup and without special liquid gates for exposure and in situ photoprocessing in the recording setup. Another distinctive feature of technique is the possibility to avoid dark rooms and to work in brightly lighted environment. Thus the most drawbacks of holography are eliminated and real time industrial optical checks of products and components can be simply implemented.
Holography still stays a laboratory process performed in a deep darkness. However dark rooms and the need to perform multiple operations in deep darkness seem to belong rather to 19th century than to current sophisticated data processing techniques facing 21st century. The possibility to obtain holograms and HOEs practically in any brightly lighted environment avoiding dark rooms is demonstrated. Ultra high resolution holographic media and the technique of momental holography well compatible with lighted environment are used for this purpose. Examples of HOEs, holograms and holographic interferograms made in presence of strong polychromatic light are presented. High quality holographic reconstructions from holograms obtained in diffused daylight as well as in strong sunny illumination of tens of klx are shown. He-Ne, Ne:YAG laser sources and ultra high resolution Russian holographic media PFG-03 or PFG-03C (color) were used in this work.
A set of novel holographic methods is presented which permit for the first time to move holography out of laboratory practically in any virtually unpromising environment: industry, office and even in the street. High quality holograms and interferograms can be momentally produced in artificially lighted environment, diffused daylight and in some cases even in direct sunlight.Ultra high resolution silver halide media and a set of advanced holographic techniques are used for this purpose. Vibration checks are performed within a few seconds and can be easily made in real time in situ avoiding liquid baths. Extensive experimental data properly illustrating vast possibilities of advanced holography for vibration measurements are presented. Photographs of rapidly acquired vibrating objects are given. Presented methods currently have no analogues in speed, quality and costs of data acquisition for laser metrology applications.
Electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) is a powerful tool for nondestructive testing of materials and products. Like holographic interferometry it allows to measure deformations and vibrations in the micrometer and submicrometer range. However current speckle pattern interferometers have rather complicated and expensive optical setups whose elements are aligned with difficulty. Moreover commercial ESPI devices lack flexibility in their optical setups. We present a family of flexible electronic speckle pattern interferometers for out-of-plane and in- plane deformation and vibration analysis which were quite recently developed at Laboratory of Technical Optics, Laser Techniques und Optoelectronics of Fachhochschule Ulm. Their common properties are: extreme simplicity and compactness of the optical setups due to the use of transmission or reflection HOEs or other very small, simple diffusers and a compact laser; very effective usage of laser radiation; no need of sophisticated vibration insulation; alignment easily performed without requiring high accuracy; simple intensity matching of ESPI object and reference waves; optically skulled personnel is not required for ESPI operation and device maintenance; and very low costs of the optical setups. Due to simplicity, compactness and low costs the introduced devices are ideally suited for industrial automated inspections. Extensive experimental results are given which were obtained with the novel ESPI devices.
Human visual system is well suited for reliable and adequate volumic perception of natural environment. Volumic data flows coming from outer physical space are easily acquired in real time. Current modes of imitating physical spaces or creating of hypothetical virtual spaces have a lot of drawbacks. The quality and the speed of volumic data presentation are severely limited. Moreover most of current devices destined to operate with artificially generated volumic data flows seem poorly compatible with eye/brian data processing procedures. It can be illustrated for example by multiple failures in introduction of public stereoscopic TV in spite of numerous lengthy efforts made for years since the appearance of TV. Thus quite novel approaches must be formulated and novel principles introduced. Unified concept of volumic imaging of artificially generated data is introduced here. This concept gives way to creation of principally novel prospective devices which might drastically enhance authenticity of perceived artificially generated data. Quite novel principle of 'one-eyed' volumic imaging system for robotics is proposed.
Holography and holographic interferometry in spite of their attractive features are rather rarely used for industrial inspections of products and components or in medical practice due to relative complexity, costs, lengthy multi- stage procedures, need of dark rooms and vibration insulation. But the most of these drawbacks might be avoided if momental holography on silver halide (SH) media is involved. Momental technique simplifies drastically the holographic process and ensures quasi real time or real time (in situ) bright reconstructions from holograms, real time or double exposure holographic interferograms. This technique permits the user to avoid dark rooms and to work with standard office or industrial illumination of 0.5 klx or even much more. Moreover, very bright holograms and holographic interferograms might be obtained also in the street in a diffused daylight or even under strong direct sunlight illumination. High quality off-axis and reflection holograms, interferograms, HOE were obtained utilizing ruby, semiconductor, He-Ne and Ar laser sources. Agfa-Gevaert 8 E 75 HD films and plates, Russian PFG-03 and PFG-03 C (color) plates were used as recording media. Different levels of external polychromatic illumination were applied to holograms and holographic interferograms during production. Extremely high levels (more than 50 klx) were also tested. Bright holographic reconstructions were obtained even in such unpromising environment. Photographic images from such holograms are presented. One of the holograms was momentally photoprocessed in the light of projector (a few klx) during presentation of this paper at the conference 'Holographic and Diffractive Techniques' in Berlin. Another unique feature of the technique: extremely long-term storage of holographic data on SH media in latent form is shown. It relates both to holograms recorded with cw lasers and to those recorded with pulsed laser sources. The latter case is the most interesting because it was not possible previously to avoid rapid fading of latent images in pulsed holography on SH media. Finally, quite novel results and photographic images from the first SH holograms obtained with no liquid baths are presented.
Speckle photography for small displacements can be carried out rather easily. It is a well established method. Unfortunately problems arise when specklegrams must be obtained in real time. Silver halide media infer lengthy multi-stage photoprocessing of specklegrams. Real time speckle photography utilizing non-silver media can be implemented but the techniques involved are rather complicated. Extremely simple and inexpensive approaches to speckle photography are introduced here. They combine positive features of speckle photography and momental holography. This permits the user to produce quasi real time specklegrams within a few seconds. High quality speckle photographs were obtained with different laser sources on high resolution silver halide media: Russian PFG-03, PFG-03 C (color), Agfa-Gevaert 8E 75 HD films and plates. Very good specklegrams were obtained also in lighted environment. Hybrid holospecklegrams i.e. holograms and speckle photographs of the same object were obtained simultaneously on the same media. Such holospecklegrams were also produced within fa few seconds. Quite unexpectedly good specklegrams were recorded even in water. Photographs of momentally produced specklegrams are given.
Both electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) and holography are rather powerful tools for nondestructive testing of materials and products. ESPI and holographic interferometry allow to measure deformations and vibrations in the micrometer and submicrometer ranges. In spite of definite similarities they differ chiefly in the methods of acquiring and presenting optical data. Each method has its special advantages and drawbacks. The latter are severely limiting their applications especially in industry. It would be ideal to combine the advantages of ESPI and holography and to reduce influence of their drawbacks. As for ESPI, this method is very suited for large scale industrial optical inspections because the interferograms are acquired with a CCD camera and evaluated in quasi real time with a computer thus no media costs for the measurements arise. However current speckle pattern interferometers have rather complicated and expensive optical setups whose elements are aligned with difficulty. Moreover commercial ESPI devices lack flexibility in their optical setups. The negative influences of these drawbacks are drastically reduced in our method which is based on a very simple principle. We offer to use an unusual ESPI reference wave which is stored in a holographic optical element (HOE) as holographic object wave. In other words, a new method of ESPI is introduced which is a two stage process. At the first stage a HOE is recorded in a usual holographic arrangement. This HOE being illuminated later reconstructs an object wave which serves as ESPI reference wave. Well suited HOE's are produced on photothermoplastic or silver halide media. The latter are easily produced in an industrial environment. Experimental results and ready compact and inexpensive device are presented.
Quick, reliable and inexpensive testing of products and components is needed in industry more often than not. Holography due to its intrinsic limitations and reasonably high costs yet is a method which is used comparatively rarely for industrial optical inspections. In the Laboratory of Technical Optics, Laser Technologies and Optoelectronics we produce holograms and interferograms on silver halide media in extremely unpromising conditions intentionally introduced to fit industrial ones. The main features of our processes are: (1) high speed of the whole process of data acquisition, storage and final presentation; (2) possibility to perform all these operations in strong daylight corresponding to industrial illumination levels or even exceeding recommended levels of illumination of industrial working places; (3) possibility to avoid any dark rooms; (4) high diffraction efficiency of holograms measured at the wavelength of recording, i.e. any wavelength shifts of holographic reconstruction are avoided for any types of holograms including reflection ones usually suffering from such shifts; (5) low costs due to low labor and equipment costs; and (6) easiness of performing quick checks in industrial environment. In our experiments we investigated various optical setups for recording holograms, double exposure and real time interferograms, in situ among them, and different types of holographic optical elements. We used different types of lasers: helium-neon (633 nm), argon (488 nm), semiconductor (675 and 685 nm), ruby (693 nm). Various silver halide media were used: Agfa Gevaert 8 E 75 HD films and plates, Russian PFG-03 and PFG-03 C (color).
Electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) and holographic interferometry are powerful tools for vibration analysis. They allow to measure the spatial distribution of a vibration amplitude in the micrometer or submicrometer range for the purpose of modal analysis for nondestructive testing. As for ESPI, this method principally is very suited for large-scale industrial optical inspections because the interferograms are recorded with a video camera and evaluated in quasi real time with a computer and no media costs for the measurements arise. However current speckle pattern interferometers have rather complicated and expensive optical setups whose elements are aligned with difficulty. On the other hand, holographic interferometry which can provide interferograms with less noise and higher resolution requires an optical setup of at least similar complexity, and in addition a holographic recording medium such as silver halide material or photothermoplastic film. The negative influence of all these drawbacks are drastically reduced in a method which combines positive features of ESPI and holography. This method has already proved its validity for different objects loaded in statics. It can be successfully applied to vibrating objects.
The general concept of volumic view (VV) as a universal property of space is introduced. VV exists in every point of the universe where electromagnetic (EM) waves can reach and a point or a quasi-point receiver (detector) of EM waves can be placed. Classification of receivers is given for the first time. They are classified into three main categories: biological, man-made non-biological, and mathematically specified hypothetical receivers. The principally novel concept of volumic perception is introduced. It differs chiefly from the traditional concept which traces back to Euclid and pre-Euclidean times and much later to Leonardo da Vinci and Giovanni Battista della Porta's discoveries and practical stereoscopy as introduced by C. Wheatstone. The basic idea of novel concept is that humans and animals acquire volumic visual data flows in series rather than in parallel. In this case the brain is free from extremely sophisticated real time parallel processing of two volumic visual data flows in order to combine them. Such procedure seems hardly probable even for humans who are unable to combine two primitive static stereoscopic images in one quicker than in a few seconds. Some people are unable to perform this procedure at all.
Experimental data having no analogs is presented. Holograms and interferograms are recorded and momentarily photoprocessed in the presence of rather intense polychromatic light. Russian and Western silver halide media for holography are used. A scientific demonstration of the technique is planned with holograms momentarily produced on the site during the presentation. In other words totally daylight holographic technique avoiding darkrooms is presented de facto. The technique with its unique simplicity and speed, guaranteed quality of holographic reconstructions, and extreme cheapness seems to be very promising to biomedical applications.
Various modes of optical data storage are regarded. Basic practical systems for optical data storage of 2-D and 3-D images are systematized into groups characterized by similar means of data capture, recording and presentation. Analogue, digital, and interference modes of data capture utilizing only one recording media, as well as updatable and rewriteable recording media, are surveyed. Classifications are given. Novel terminology is introduced. Novel approach to 3-D data presentation is formulated.
Computer-based 3-D imaging of hypothetical objects as a part of 3-D imaging techniques is a complex process comprising several stages from data capture to data presentation. All practical devices for computer-based 3-D imaging of hypothetical objects are systematized into groups characterized by similar ways of data capture and presentation. Limiting factors and drawbacks of current systems are analyzed.
This experimental study started over 13 years ago when a number of recordings were made in coherent light on fine grained silver-halide media. Some of them have not been photoprocessed yet. Using special photoprocessing bright and clear reconstructions were obtained from extremely faint latent images recorded over 10 years ago. Time dependent diffraction efficiency curves for Fresnel and Fourier holograms are given. Samples of holograms are presented. The results obtained seem to change present knowledge of silver- halide media capabilities.
Simple, highly efficient and fast holographic technology on silver halide media is developed. New features of the technology are: quasi real-time producing of holograms, recording and photoprocessing of holograms in the presence of day light, and no wavelength shifts of reconstructions. Possible applications of obtained results to data scanning and data storage are discussed.
Various systems for artificial 3-D imaging of real or hypothetical objects are described. All systems are divided into groups characterized with a similar way of forming and presenting 3- D images. Possibilities and limitations of each type are analyzed. Classification is given. Current systems utilizing laser scanning for 3-D imaging and their perspectives are discussed.
In the present experimental study it is shown that high quality volume holograms may be recorded and photographically processed in the presence of incoherent light. Experimental data was obtained permitting us to choose optimal recording and processing parameters at given incoherent light intensity.
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