5 March 2022 Topology of Poynting vector in scattering from magneto-electric cylinder and its applications
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Proceedings Volume PC12011, High Contrast Metastructures XI; PC120110F (2022)
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2022, San Francisco, California, United States
In electromagnetics, a medium moving at non-relativistic velocities is equivalent to a bianisotropic refractive index, produces the same effect for light as vector potential for charged particles. We investigate Mie scattering from the cylinder made of magneto-electric material. We find Poynting vector singularities in the near field distribution. A high k-vector region around the singularity may find applications in the near field superresolution imaging. We predict an additional phase change in the far-field for the magneto-electric cylinder compared to conventional Mie scattering. The magneto-electric coefficient can control the angular position of the phase change in the far-field and the position of the Poynting vector singularities.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nitish Chandra and Natalia M. Litchinitser "Topology of Poynting vector in scattering from magneto-electric cylinder and its applications", Proc. SPIE PC12011, High Contrast Metastructures XI, PC120110F (5 March 2022);

Electromagnetic scattering

Mie scattering

Radio propagation


Laser scattering


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