15 June 2017 A study on the applications of AI in finishing of additive manufacturing parts
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Proceedings Volume 10326, Fourth European Seminar on Precision Optics Manufacturing; 103260G (2017)
Event: Fourth European Seminar on Precision Optics Manufacturing, 2017, Teisnach, Germany
Artificial intelligent and computer simulation are the technological powerful tools for solving complex problems in the manufacturing industries. Additive Manufacturing is one of the powerful manufacturing techniques that provide design flexibilities to the products. The products with complex shapes are directly manufactured without the need of any machining and tooling using Additive Manufacturing. However, the main drawback of the components produced using the Additive Manufacturing processes is the quality of the surfaces. This study aims to minimize the defects caused during Additive Manufacturing with the aid of Artificial Intelligence. The developed AI system has three layers, each layer is trying to eliminate or minimize the production errors. The first layer of the AI system optimizes the digitization of the 3D CAD model of the product and hence reduces the stair case errors. The second layer of the AI system optimizes the 3D printing machine parameters in order to eliminate the warping effect. The third layer of AI system helps to choose the surface finishing technique suitable for the printed component based on the Degree of Complexity of the product and the material. The efficiency of the developed AI system was examined on the functional parts such as gears.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Fathima Patham K. "A study on the applications of AI in finishing of additive manufacturing parts", Proc. SPIE 10326, Fourth European Seminar on Precision Optics Manufacturing, 103260G (15 June 2017);
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Artificial intelligence

Additive manufacturing

3D modeling


Computer aided design

3D printing

Solid modeling

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