20 August 2020 Coupling ultrabroadband THz pulses in a scanning tunneling microscope junction
Natalia Martín Sabanés, Melanie Müller, Tobias Kampfrath, Martin Wolf
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In THz-gated Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (THz-STM), the electric field of a single-cycle THz pulse acts as a transient bias modulating the STM-junction, enabling control of the tunneling current on femtosecond time scales. Optimal operation of a THz-STM requires exact knowledge and precise control of the THz near field waveform. In this regard, we demonstrate THz near field sampling via THz-induced modulation of ultrafast photocurrents in a metal-metal junction, and characterize in detail the coupling of broadband (1-30 THz) single-cycle THz pulses generated from a spintronic emitter to the STM tip. Specifically, we show that employing NIR laser pulses with a curved wavefront for THz generation allows for precise control of the phase, amplitude and bandwidth of the THz near field. Depending on the excitation conditions, THz near fields with frequencies up to 10 THz and peak voltages of several volts can be achieved at 1 MHz repetition rate.
Conference Presentation
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Natalia Martín Sabanés, Melanie Müller, Tobias Kampfrath, and Martin Wolf "Coupling ultrabroadband THz pulses in a scanning tunneling microscope junction", Proc. SPIE 11499, Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications XI, 114990D (20 August 2020);
Terahertz radiation

Scanning tunneling microscopy

Near field

Solar thermal energy

Femtosecond phenomena


Near field optics

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