Poster + Paper
13 March 2024 Honey quality assurance: innovative fiber Bragg grating sensor for accurate glucose adulteration detection
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Conference Poster
The increasing concerns regarding the health risks and economic impact of food adulteration, particularly in honey, have sparked significant attention. Ensuring the quality and authenticity of honey relies on the ability to effectively detect adulterants such as glucose. This research focuses on the utilization of etched fiber Bragg Grating (eFBG)-based sensors for monitoring honey quality and detecting cases of glucose adulteration. FBG sensors offer numerous advantages in detecting food adulteration, including their exceptional sensitivity, real-time monitoring capability, and non-invasive nature. This paper provides a comprehensive account of the experimental design and data collection procedures employed to develop FBG sensors optimized for glucose detection in honey. Furthermore, coating the eFBG sensor with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) has shown better sensitivity due to its unique properties. The achieved sensitivity found is 43.56 nm/RIU with rGO-coated eFBG sensors. The results demonstrate the ability of FBG sensors to identify honey adulterated with glucose, highlighting their potential in enhancing food safety and quality control measures.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Md Tauseef Iqbal Ansari, Azhar Shadab, Sanjeev Kumar Raghuwanshi, and Santosh Kumar "Honey quality assurance: innovative fiber Bragg grating sensor for accurate glucose adulteration detection", Proc. SPIE 12898, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XVII, 128980O (13 March 2024);
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Fiber Bragg gratings


Bragg wavelengths



Fiber optics sensors

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