Presentation + Paper
18 July 2024 A new spectrograph of bi-channel with ultrawide band and high flux for MOST (SCUTUM) telescope
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The Muztage-Ata One-point-nine-three-meter Synergy Telescope (MOST) is a novel equatorial telescope currently being constructed in China. Spectroscopy of bi-Channel with UlTra-wide band and high flUx for MOST (SCUTUM) serves as one of the first-light instruments and adopts a modified FOSC type design with two channels. The design incorporates a shared catadioptric collimator followed by separate refraction cameras in each channel, where in between filters and grisms are inserted into the optical path through two rotating wheel units. The instrument converts the F/8 beam from the telescope to a nearly F/4.3 beam. The spectroscopy of SCUTUM can be performed in the wavelength range 310-1000nm in one exposure, offering various choices of grisms and slits with resolution ranging from 250 to 7500. The theoretical monochromatic RMS spot sizes are expected to be between 0.04′′ and 0.26′′. To optimize total throughput, SCUTUM employs high-efficiency optical elements, coatings, and sensitivity-enhanced detectors within its operational band. The overall transmission from the collimator to the detector is anticipated to exceed 20% at 330nm and surpass 40% at wavelengths above 355nm when operating in R≤3000 mode. The designed weight of this instrument amounts to approximately 280kg. The instrument is currently planned to be assembled in the Institute laboratory in September and to be commissioned on MOST in 2025.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hangxin Ji, Jun Li, Songxin Dai, Haoran Yu, Shuling Zhang, Yi Chen, Jinyu Pan, Qimeng Xu, Yongtian Zhu, and Zhongwen Hu "A new spectrograph of bi-channel with ultrawide band and high flux for MOST (SCUTUM) telescope", Proc. SPIE 13096, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X, 130961U (18 July 2024);
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