30 September 2024 Understanding and minimizing viewing-angle-dependent color shifts in OLEDs
Evgeny Pakhomenko, Maya Ramamurthy, Siliang He, Kyle W. Hershey, Gijun Seo, Vivian E. Ferry, Russell J. Holmes
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An optimization scheme to minimize angular color shifts in OLEDs is developed using a combination of optical simulations and experimental measurements of device performance. This minimization does not compromise other critical device operation parameters, such as efficiency and the angular intensity profile. By considering both bottom- and top-emitting OLEDs, this study utilizes strong feedback between simulation and experiment to identify stack architectures that have a minimum color change with viewing angle while still maintaining high power efficiency.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Evgeny Pakhomenko, Maya Ramamurthy, Siliang He, Kyle W. Hershey, Gijun Seo, Vivian E. Ferry, and Russell J. Holmes "Understanding and minimizing viewing-angle-dependent color shifts in OLEDs", Proc. SPIE 13122, Organic and Hybrid Light Emitting Materials and Devices XXVIII, 1312216 (30 September 2024);
Organic light emitting diodes

Mathematical optimization


Algorithm testing

Computer simulations


Detection and tracking algorithms

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