Poster + Paper
30 September 2024 Morphology-dependent singlet fission and photodegradation in functionalized tetracenes
Winston T. Goldthwaite, Evan Lambertson, Madalyn Gragg, Roshell Lamug, John Anthony, Oksana Ostroverkhova
Author Affiliations +
Conference Poster
Singlet fission (SF) is a charge carrier multiplication process that can occur in organic semiconductors and has potential to enhance (opto)electronic device performance. We examine how SF depends on molecular packing with functionalized tetracene (R-Tc) crystals which have the same monomer properties but different crystal packings with ‘slip-stack’ (R=TES) and ‘gamma’ (R=TBDMS) packing structures. Using temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy, we find that the triplet pair state (TT) in R-Tc systems under study is non-emissive, and the PL is dominated by that from lowenergy emissive trap states in TES-Tc and from aggregate states in TBDMS-Tc, with the emissive channels competing with SF. We also study the effects of photodegradation from endoperoxide formation on R-Tc and the relationship between photodegradation and SF and find that the ‘gamma’-packed TBDMS-Tc is more photostable than the ‘slip-stacked’ TESTc derivative. To analyze SF and competitive pathways, we constructed a 4-state kinetic model to reproduce the observed PL data, which predicts maximum SF free triplet yields of 190% for TES-Tc and 185% for TBDMS-Tc at room temperature.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Winston T. Goldthwaite, Evan Lambertson, Madalyn Gragg, Roshell Lamug, John Anthony, and Oksana Ostroverkhova "Morphology-dependent singlet fission and photodegradation in functionalized tetracenes", Proc. SPIE 13127, Physical Chemistry of Semiconductor Materials and Interfaces XXIII, 131270B (30 September 2024);
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Temperature metrology

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