Presentation + Paper
30 September 2024 Detection of the vegetation index using biophysical parameters using UAVs
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The problem of detecting the vegetation index utilizing UAVs has been addressed in multiple articles in the literature, in which many special hardware and thermal or infrared cameras are adapted to improve its detection. The Vegetation Index is determined as a parameter calculated from the reflectance values at different wavelengths of the vegetation and is particularly sensitive to the vegetation cover. This article seeks to identify the vegetation index from its biophysical parameters. We help ourselves with artificial intelligence algorithms and machine learning algorithms. A semi-physical model was designed to estimate the ecosystem and establish the vegetation index correctly. The results will be validated by remote sensing. Finally, an ecological model will be developed to simulate the environmental impact on vegetation patterns and geographic plains. The proposed model successfully imitated the urban effect. Given these results, it was possible to predict better the impact of changing seasons in a defined geographic area.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jesus A. Alvarez-Cedillo, Teodoro Alvarez-Sanchez, and Roberto Herrera-Charles "Detection of the vegetation index using biophysical parameters using UAVs", Proc. SPIE 13137, Applications of Digital Image Processing XLVII, 131370E (30 September 2024);
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Unmanned aerial vehicles

Biophysical parameters


Environmental monitoring

Remote sensing


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