16 January 2025 Lightweight facial expression recognition based on joint model compression
Guangming Song, Chunxiao Fan
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Proceedings Volume 13447, International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Control (ICMIC 2024); 134470O (2025)
Event: International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Control (ICMIC 2024), 2024, Wuhan, China
In this paper, we propose a lightweight facial expression recognition algorithm based on joint model compression. Firstly, we propose a self-distillation method based on facial expression recognition, which not only considers the overall output of the model but also focuses on the prediction results of each facial expression category, thereby improving the performance and generalization ability of the facial expression recognition model. Secondly, in order to further compress the facial expression recognition model, we apply a channel pruning method based on transformed L1 regularization. This pruning method imposes non-convex constraints on the parameters of the facial expression recognition model through transformations of the parameters in the L1 norm penalty term, achieving more accurate sparse regularization and effectively preventing overfitting of the model. Lastly, the pruned network is quantified to low-bit to obtain the final lightweight facial expression recognition model. The proposed method achieves 73.25% on the FER2013 dataset, with a parameter compression rate of approximately 50%, which achieves an effective lightweight.
(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Guangming Song and Chunxiao Fan "Lightweight facial expression recognition based on joint model compression", Proc. SPIE 13447, International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Control (ICMIC 2024), 134470O (16 January 2025);
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Facial recognition systems

Performance modeling

Data modeling

Education and training

Detection and tracking algorithms

Evolutionary algorithms

Statistical modeling

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