31 December 2024 Implementation of the metrological characteristics framework using additively manufactured material measures
Matthias Eifler, Julian Hering-Stratemeier, Georg von Freymann, Jörg Seewig
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The standard ISO 25178 includes the latest framework for the calibration, verification and performance specification of areal surface topography measuring instruments. The properties that are subject to a comprehensive calibration and directly contribute to the measurement uncertainty, are referenced as metrological characteristics. ISO 25178-600 describes the basic metrological characteristics that can be applied independently from the measuring principle. To map these characteristics, material measures as defined by ISO 25178-70 are applied. This standard defines 24 different types of material measures that, depending on the individual geometry, have been manufactured using a broad variety of subtractive and additive manufacturing technologies. As areal surface topography measurement is more complex than its profile equivalent, for a comprehensive calibration many metrological characteristics need to be determined. Using multiple case studies, we describe opportunities that the additive manufacturing technology via multi-photon polymerization provides for the implementation of the metrological characteristics framework. These case studies illustrate the versatility that additive manufacturing contributes for the generation of material measures and lead to strategies that allow an efficient implementation of a comprehensive areal calibration.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Matthias Eifler, Julian Hering-Stratemeier, Georg von Freymann, and Jörg Seewig "Implementation of the metrological characteristics framework using additively manufactured material measures", Proc. SPIE 13487, Optics and Photonics International Congress 2024, 134870M (31 December 2024);
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