16 December 1992 Adaptive image compression based on backpropagation neural networks
Defu Cai, Ming Zhou
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Increasingly huge amounts of digital data from a wide range of sources such as B-ISDN services, satellite transmission of photographs, and police database of human face images are being transmitted and stored. Therefore, both transmission channel capacity and disk space are limited. For some advanced techniques, such as multi-media terminal and HDTV etc., the problems are even more apparent. Based on this it is important that efficient image compression algorithms are used in order to reduce the transmission capacity and storage space. In this paper, a scheme of image data compression with an adaptive BP neural network is presented. The data compression property of mapping original image to a feature space of reduced dimensionality is utilized. Images are divided as a set of 8 X 8 sub-image blocks which apply to a three layer BP neural network as inputs. It is shown from computer simulation that the results are better than Sonehara, et al.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Defu Cai and Ming Zhou "Adaptive image compression based on backpropagation neural networks", Proc. SPIE 1766, Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing, (16 December 1992);
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Neural networks

Image compression


Image processing

Signal processing

Stochastic processes

Computer simulations

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