17 February 1995 Anticounterfeit holograms in China
Dahsiung Hsu, Jing Zhou, Wen Pei, Qiang Li, Xuhuai Huang, Yulin Cao
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Proceedings Volume 2333, Fifth International Symposium on Display Holography; (1995)
Event: Display Holography: Fifth International Symposium, 1994, Lake Forest, IL, United States
The Chinese holography industry has been given an enormous boost by the energetic sales and technology transfer of several western businesses. It is a fast growing industry which can keep up with domestic demand for anti-counterfeit embossed holograms because product counterfeiting is so rife internally. Tax papers, stamps, plastic cards, identification cards, and many packaged goods are authenticated with embossed holograms. Up to now, about 1,000 kinds of products in China have used holograms to protect themselves. Anti-counterfeit holograms with secret codes have also been used. After dependence on imports, China is rapidly developing its own sources of equipment, holographic materials, and embossing substrates. The quality of this equipment and materials is improving. The new Chinese Holography Association, a national industry association aiming to develop the application of holograms and to promote cooperation between organizations, was established in 1993. The CHA has requested affiliation to the International Hologram Manufacturers Association, a move which should improve the communication between the Chinese industry and the rest of the world industry.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Dahsiung Hsu, Jing Zhou, Wen Pei, Qiang Li, Xuhuai Huang, and Yulin Cao "Anticounterfeit holograms in China", Proc. SPIE 2333, Fifth International Symposium on Display Holography, (17 February 1995);
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