30 May 1995 Optical diagnostics of in-vitro blood shear flow structure and dynamics
Olga M. Ryaboshapka, Alexander V. Priezzhev, Nikolai N. Firsov
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Samples of erythrocyte suspensions in normal and pathological whole blood in Couette flow with thickness of 1 mm have been studied by laser backscattering technique. This method allows us to analyze the kinetics of the disruption of large and small aggregates and to reveal the effects of growth of aggregates in shear flow followed by the quick sedimentation and migration of erythrocytes to the axis of the flow in case of pathological blood. Reproducible low-frequency oscillations of the photocurrent measured at the output of the photodetector of light backscattered from different sites in the flow have been registered. These oscillations appeared at shear rates from 30 to 70 sec-1. Their frequency was proportional to the shear rate or the frequncy of rotation of the inner cylinder. It is possible that these oscillations are the manifestation of Taylor vortexes. In the given experimental geometry and shear rates the Taylor number is lower than the value of the Taylor number for simple fluids.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Olga M. Ryaboshapka, Alexander V. Priezzhev, and Nikolai N. Firsov "Optical diagnostics of in-vitro blood shear flow structure and dynamics", Proc. SPIE 2389, Optical Tomography, Photon Migration, and Spectroscopy of Tissue and Model Media: Theory, Human Studies, and Instrumentation, (30 May 1995);
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Light scattering

Optical diagnostics

In vitro testing



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