1 March 1983 An Optical Challenge
Richard Oyama
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 0348, 15th Intl Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics; (1983)
Event: 15th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics, 1982, San Diego, United States
"We are going to blow up your cameras -- how are you going to get the data?" The purpose of this test was to obtain sufficient data on displacement-time histories of the inner wall of a cylinder 3 inches thick, 45 inches in diameter, and 70 inches long. Three quarters of the cylinder upper, outer wall surface was completely encircled by high explosive. The explosive quantity had been calculated to be 700 pounds. During detonation high-speed cameras were to record the motion of the inner walls during closure. The camera was approximately 20 feet from the cylinder. The total event was less than 2 milliseconds. The photographic system for gathering data had to be right the first time -- there would be no second chance. Many design and photographic problems were encountered in developing a recording system for this particular testing: 1. Limited opening for camera viewing 2. Mirror and cameras (detonation shock effects on mirror and cameras) 3. Alignment of mirror and cameras 4. Lighting 5. Sequencing the cameras and event 6. Remote area (no power available) 7. The specimen was to be buried by 145 cubic yards of sand. The Photo Instrumentation Unit at Lockheed Santa Cruz Facility has successfully met this challenge. It is my purpose here to present records and to define the camera systems and the problems that were encountered during this photographic assignment. I will not define the prime purpose nor the final results of this test, since the test purpose is irrelevant in this context.
© (1983) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Richard Oyama "An Optical Challenge", Proc. SPIE 0348, 15th Intl Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics, (1 March 1983);
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High speed photography

Imaging systems

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