2 May 2000 Design of optical components and optical data storage in photochromic sol-gel films containing dithienylethene or azobenzene derivatives
Frederic Chaput, Khalid Lahlil, John Biteau, Jean-Pierre Boilot, Bruno Darracq, Yves Levy, Jacques Peretti, Viatcheslave I. Safarov, Jean-Marie Lehn, Alvaro Fernandez-Acebes
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We present results on photochromic properties of hybrid organic-inorganic host matrices in which dithienylethene or azobenzene derivatives are trapped. Materials were prepared by the sol-gel process in the form of thin films. To increase the photochrome content inside the silica-based gel, modified alkoxysilanes were synthesized. The photochromic functionalized monomers were copolymerized with methyltriethoxysilane or tetraethoxysilane. The study of sol-gel films containing dithienylethene both in the colored and discolored state shows that a large refractive index change, as high as 4.10-2 can be reached. Design of optical components was performed. Furthermore, from the colored state high remnant optical anisotropy can be photo induced by discoloration with linearly polarized visible light. This anisotropy induces a linear dichroism in the visible absorption band and an important birefringence in the near-IR transparency induces a linear dichroism in the visible absorption band and an important birefringence in the near-IR transparency region. Optical data storage is one of the most fascinating potential applications of this effect. Concerning azobenzene containing materials, we took advantage of material deformation, subsequent to the photoisomerization of the photochromes, to design optical components. Thus, stable surface relief gratings having high modulation depth and high diffraction efficiencies were inscribed on hybrid films. Experiments using near-field optical techniques were performed on the two system in order to improve density data storage.
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Frederic Chaput, Khalid Lahlil, John Biteau, Jean-Pierre Boilot, Bruno Darracq, Yves Levy, Jacques Peretti, Viatcheslave I. Safarov, Jean-Marie Lehn, and Alvaro Fernandez-Acebes "Design of optical components and optical data storage in photochromic sol-gel films containing dithienylethene or azobenzene derivatives", Proc. SPIE 3943, Sol-Gel Optics V, (2 May 2000); Logo
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Diffraction gratings



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