6 June 2000 Phantom-based investigation of nonrigid registration constraints in mapping fMRI to anatomical MRI
Colin Studholme, R. Todd Constable, James S. Duncan
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In previous work we have introduced an approach to improving the registration of EPI fMRI data with anatomical MRI by accounting for differences in magnetic field induced geometric distortion in the two types of MRI acquisition. In particular we began to explore the use of imaging physics based constraints in a non-rigid multi-modality registration algorithm. In this paper we present phantom based experimental work examining the behavior of different non-rigid registration constraints compared to a field map acquisition of the MRI distortion. This acquisition provides a pixel by pixel 'ground truth' estimate of the displacement field within the EPI data. In our registration based approach we employ a B-spline based estimate of the relative geometric distortion with a multi-grid optimization scheme. We maximize the normalized mutual information between the two types of MRI scans to estimate the B-Spline parameters. Using the field map estimates as a gold standard, registration estimates using no additional geometric constraints are compared to those using the spin echo based signal conservation. We also examine the use of logarithmic EPI values in the criteria to provide additional sensitivity in areas of low signal. Results indicate that registration of EPI to conventional MRI incorporating a spin echo distortion model can provide comparable estimates of geometric distortion to those from field mapping data without the need for significant additional acquisitions during each fMRI sequence.
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Colin Studholme, R. Todd Constable, and James S. Duncan "Phantom-based investigation of nonrigid registration constraints in mapping fMRI to anatomical MRI", Proc. SPIE 3979, Medical Imaging 2000: Image Processing, (6 June 2000); Logo
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Magnetic resonance imaging

Functional magnetic resonance imaging

Image registration

Data acquisition

Signal processing

Associative arrays

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