Several photonic approaches have been utilized to study functional dynamics of olfactory bulb dendrites, which plays a critical role in odor discrimination and recognition. Firstly, with infrared differential interference contrast (DIC) video microscopy, we can visualize living nerve cells in an olfactory bulb slice preparation and target glass electrodes to different dendritic locations for direct electrical measurement. This furnishes a high temporal resolution of signal recording from dendrites. Secondly, by using a cooled CCD camera and loading calcium-sensitive dyes into neurons, we have explored the spatial distribution and propagation of spike signals within complex dendritic trees. Thirdly, two-photon microscope enables us to analyze active properties of very tiny dendritic structures such as dendritic spines. Lastly, by using UV light pulse to release calcium ions from caged compounds, we have examined the mechanisms for signal communication between two dendrites with reciprocal synaptic connections. Our research highlights an important contribution of optical imaging methods to functional dissection of neuronal circuitry in the brain.