13 August 2004 Toward detecting deception in intelligent systems
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Contemporary decision makers often must choose a course of action using knowledge from several sources. Knowledge may be provided from many diverse sources including electronic sources such as knowledge-based diagnostic or decision support systems or through data mining techniques. As the decision maker becomes more dependent on these electronic information sources, detecting deceptive information from these sources becomes vital to making a correct, or at least more informed, decision. This applies to unintentional disinformation as well as intentional misinformation. Our ongoing research focuses on employing models of deception and deception detection from the fields of psychology and cognitive science to these systems as well as implementing deception detection algorithms for probabilistic intelligent systems. The deception detection algorithms are used to detect, classify and correct attempts at deception. Algorithms for detecting unexpected information rely upon a prediction algorithm from the collaborative filtering domain to predict agent responses in a multi-agent system.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Eugene Santos Jr. and Gregory Johnson Jr. "Toward detecting deception in intelligent systems", Proc. SPIE 5423, Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science VIII, (13 August 2004); Logo
Cited by 17 scholarly publications.
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Intelligence systems

Systems modeling

Environmental sensing

Detection and tracking algorithms

Data modeling

Cognitive modeling


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