5 May 2008 Integration of IR focal plane arrays with massively parallel processor
P. Esfandiari, P. Koskey, K. Vaccaro, W. Buchwald, F. Clark, B. Krejca, C. Rekeczky, A. Zarandy
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The intent of this investigation is to replace the low fill factor visible sensor of a Cellular Neural Network (CNN) processor with an InGaAs Focal Plane Array (FPA) using both bump bonding and epitaxial layer transfer techniques for use in the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) interceptor seekers. The goal is to fabricate a massively parallel digital processor with a local as well as a global interconnect architecture. Currently, this unique CNN processor is capable of processing a target scene in excess of 10,000 frames per second with its visible sensor. What makes the CNN processor so unique is that each processing element includes memory, local data storage, local and global communication devices and a visible sensor supported by a programmable analog or digital computer program.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
P. Esfandiari, P. Koskey, K. Vaccaro, W. Buchwald, F. Clark, B. Krejca, C. Rekeczky, and A. Zarandy "Integration of IR focal plane arrays with massively parallel processor", Proc. SPIE 6940, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXIV, 69402E (5 May 2008);
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Indium gallium arsenide

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