18 April 2008 Unintended illumination for PMMW systems
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As Passive Millimeter Wave (PMMW) imagers mature, users have located them in more and more challenging locations. Because PMMW systems typically use natural sky coldness as a contrast source, indoor installations can become problematic. A number of semi-active illumination systems have been proposed, with various degrees of success. A problem many of them suffer from is reversed contrast - the illumination source is considerably hotter than the ambient scene, causing the cameras to act in unexpected ways. The relatively narrow extent of the illumination source is another problem, with speckle and glint often dominating the image. There are a number of unintended illumination sources in indoor locations, and all are poorly understood. This paper will examine several of them, as well as their polarametric properties, and discuss their effects on image quality.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Albert Pergande "Unintended illumination for PMMW systems", Proc. SPIE 6948, Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging Technology XI, 69480A (18 April 2008);
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Passive millimeter wave sensors




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