25 May 2011 Co-pumped 130 W monolithic single frequency fiber amplifier with an optically induced thermal gradient
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We present theoretical and experimental results of a 130 W continuous-wave (CW), single-frequency, 7 m, polarizationmaintaining (PM) Yb:doped fiber (25/400) μm amplifier simultaneously seeded with a combination of broadband and narrow-line signals. Experiments were performed for two thermal configurations and the SBS threshold of the doubly seeded amplifier is compared to the singly seeded case. In the first configuration, the fiber was wrapped around a cold spool held at 12° C to diminish thermally induced shifts in the acoustic resonance of the fiber, which is known to suppress stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS). In this case, over 80 W of single-frequency output was obtained demonstrating an enhancement of 3 dB in the SBS threshold compared to the single-tone case whereby the SBS threshold was 40 W. In the second thermal configuration, 6 m of the fiber is wrapped around the same cold spool, but approximately 1 m of the fiber is left to cool in ambient conditions. In this case, an optically induced thermal gradient was formed due to the quantum defect heating associated with power transfer from the pump and broadband seed signals into the single-frequency signal at the output end of the fiber. Over 130 W of single-frequency output was demonstrated yielding an effective increase of ~5 dB in the SBS threshold when compared to the single-tone case.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Clint Zeringue, Chris Vergien, and Iyad Dajani "Co-pumped 130 W monolithic single frequency fiber amplifier with an optically induced thermal gradient", Proc. SPIE 8039, Laser Technology for Defense and Security VII, 80390I (25 May 2011);
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Fiber amplifiers

Optical amplifiers




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