30 January 2012 Parametric model-based noise reduction for ToF depth sensors
Yong Sun Kim, Byongmin Kang, Hwasup Lim, Ouk Choi, Keechang Lee, James D. K. Kim, Changyeong Kim
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Proceedings Volume 8290, Three-Dimensional Image Processing (3DIP) and Applications II; 82900A (2012)
Event: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2012, Burlingame, California, United States
This paper presents a novel Time-of-Flight (ToF) depth denoising algorithm based on parametric noise modeling. ToF depth image includes space varying noise which is related to IR intensity value at each pixel. By assuming ToF depth noise as additive white Gaussian noise, ToF depth noise can be modeled by using a power function of IR intensity. Meanwhile, nonlocal means filter is popularly used as an edge-preserving denoising method for removing additive Gaussian noise. To remove space varying depth noise, we propose an adaptive nonlocal means filtering. According to the estimated noise, the search window and weighting coefficient are adaptively determined at each pixel so that pixels with large noise variance are strongly filtered and pixels with small noise variance are weakly filtered. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm provides good denoising performance while preserving details or edges compared to the typical nonlocal means filtering.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yong Sun Kim, Byongmin Kang, Hwasup Lim, Ouk Choi, Keechang Lee, James D. K. Kim, and Changyeong Kim "Parametric model-based noise reduction for ToF depth sensors", Proc. SPIE 8290, Three-Dimensional Image Processing (3DIP) and Applications II, 82900A (30 January 2012); Logo
Cited by 13 scholarly publications.
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