17 October 2012 High-sensitive computed tomography system using a silicon-PIN x-ray diode
Eiichi Sato, Yuich Sato, Abulajiang Abudurexiti, Osahiko Hagiwara, Hiroshi Matsukiyo, Akihiro Osawa, Toshiyuki Enomoto, Manabu Watanabe, Shinya Kusachi, Shigehiro Sato, Akira Ogawa, Jun Onagawa
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A low-dose-rate X-ray computed tomography (CT) system is useful for reducing absorbed dose for patients. The CT system with a tube current of 1.91 mA was developed using a silicon-PIN X-ray diode (Si-PIN-XD). The Si-PIN-XD is a selected high-sensitive Si-PIN photodiode (PD) for detecting X-ray photons. X-ray photons are detected directly using the Si-PIN-XD without a scintillator, and the photocurrent from the diode is amplified using current-voltage and voltage-voltage amplifiers. The output voltage is converted into logical pulses using a voltage-frequency converter with maximum frequency of 500 kHz, and the frequency is proportional to the voltage. The pulses from the converter are sent to differentiator with a time constant of 1 μs to generate short positive pulses for counting, and the pulses are counted using a counter card. Tomography is accomplished by repeated linear scans and rotations of an object, and projection curves of the object are obtained by the linear scan. The exposure time for obtaining a tomogram was 5 min at a scan step of 0.5 mm and a rotation step of 3.0°. The tube current and voltage were 1.91 mA and 100 kV, respectively, and gadolinium K-edge CT was carried out using filtered X-ray spectra with a peak energy of 52 keV.
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Eiichi Sato, Yuich Sato, Abulajiang Abudurexiti, Osahiko Hagiwara, Hiroshi Matsukiyo, Akihiro Osawa, Toshiyuki Enomoto, Manabu Watanabe, Shinya Kusachi, Shigehiro Sato, Akira Ogawa, and Jun Onagawa "High-sensitive computed tomography system using a silicon-PIN x-ray diode", Proc. SPIE 8508, Medical Applications of Radiation Detectors II, 850808 (17 October 2012);
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