14 March 2015 High-performance PIN photodetector at 67 GHz and beyond for radio over fiber applications
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High-performance photodetectors (PDs) for radio over fiber (RoF) applications over 60 GHz were designed and fabricated. The RF output was investigated while a high linearity was observed for two designs: a low carrier concentration InGaAs absorption layer in a PIN structure and a low carrier concentration collection layer in a unitravelling- carrier (UTC) structure. The RF output performances of both PIN and UTC structures were studied at 67 GHz and 100 GHz respectively. High photocurrent densities could be obtained from both structures (21.7 kA/cm2 in the PIN structure and 35.4 kA/cm2 in the UTC structure). The PIN structure exhibited a slightly higher current density of 1.6 times than the UTC structure. The frequency response of the UTC-PD exhibited excellent flatness up to 110 GHz, with a 3 dB bandwidth beyond 110 GHz. In addition, maximum RF output powers of +6.8 dBm at 67 GHz and -5 dBm at 100 GHz was successfully obtained. The space charge effect could be ruled out for the output linearity, but avoiding overheating in the p-contact metal had to be considered. By modifying impedance matching circuit designs, the maximum RF output power level of 3 dB can be improved.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
T. Umezawa, K. Akahane, N. Yamamoto, A. Kanno, and T. Kawanishi "High-performance PIN photodetector at 67 GHz and beyond for radio over fiber applications", Proc. SPIE 9362, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications VIII, 93620T (14 March 2015); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Hybrid fiber radio



Radio over Fiber


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